Chapter 8

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[This is my informal announcement on my Actress I chose to represent the fabulous Bailey Baxter. Julianne Hough is perfect in every aspect (plus I love her) so... yeah I'm bad at this whole A/N thing. On with the story!]


Bax laughed from Clint's side.

The man had managed to get himself tipsier than intended, and was throwing jabs at everyone. He held and arm around the Snow-white Lady, spinning drumsticks in his hand and allowing her to lean into his side.

She felt a comfortable brotherhood around him, as if he took the fatherly role too serious and vouched to keep her safe.

"What are you laughing at? You've practically been brought back from the dead!" he then shot at her.

"Oh, and Steve hasn't?" she diverted her jab, and let it ricochet to Steve.

"That's cold, Baxter," he pointed his bottle at her.

"Not as cold as the ice," Rhodes and Hill ooh-ed at Clint's comment.

"Listen, we could speak about that, or instead we could mock Thor and his Meat Tenderizer," Bailey raised her eyebrow at said man.

"You're just jealous that you're all unworthy to wield the hammer," He wouldn't allow himself to be wounded by her words.

"You're just a lot stronger than me, that's all," she shrugged.

"I'd love to see you try to pick it up," he gestured to the Hammer sitting on the glass table.

"But it's a trick!" Clint mocked, still spinning his drumsticks.

"Oh no, it's much more than that," Thor laughed and clinked glasses with Steve in a cheers.

"Ah, 'whoever be he worthy shall haveth the power'," he mocked Thor with a dramatic effect to his voice.

"Whatever man, it's a trick," he concluded, and accidentally poked Bailey in the side with his drumstick.

"Hey," she chastised, and move out of his arm and closer to Banner instead, while rubbing her side abdomen.

"Sorry," he quickly winced.

Thor gave a loud laugh, "please, be my guest."

He held his hand out to his hammer, giving full permission for Clint to do whatever he wanted.

"Come on," Bailey pushed him to leave his seat.

"Really?" he asked her in disbelief.

"Yeah!" Tony replied instead.

"Oh this is gonna be beautiful," Commented Rhodey from Bax's right, who she shot a laugh filled grin at in agreement.

"Clint, you've had a rough week. We won't hold it against you if you can't get it up," Stark teased the man, which received laughs from everyone in the room.

"You know I've seen this before, right?" Clint gave Thor a pointed look.

This raised confusion in Bailey's mind, but she continued to watch her friend make a fool of himself instead of stressing about it too much.

Clint casually lent over, and gripped the handle of the hammer. He gave a small pull and almost immediately gave up, not even attempting to try with two hands.

"I still don't know how you do it!" he laughed out.

"Smell the silent judgement?" Stark asked him.

"Why don't you take a turn, Bigshot?" Bailey asked him.

"Yeah. Please, Stark. By all means," Clint held his hand out as an invitation for the Billionaire to step up.

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