Chapter 2

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"The last we saw you, Natasha, was in Sudan when you hijacked a plane carrying HYDRA operatives meeting with Doctor Jensen who had perfected a weapon using Chitauri technology," Steve glanced over at Agent Romanoff from the couch he was sitting on.

"Really?" Bailey asked, enjoying the Avengers talking about one another, with each other.

"Yeah, I found a platoon of armed soldiers there, then had J.A.R.V.I.S. assemble the Avengers to provide assistance. Ultimately, we defeated HYDRA and Jensen and destroyed all weapons." Nat leaned over to the table, and plucked an olive from her glass to eat.

"So, what? You guys are like best friends? Have each other on speed dial all the time?" Bax joked.

"We wish we could say that," Tony replied.

"Come on, the world needs help and with a simple phone call you're all here," she laughed and swatted her hand.

"Actually, I denied the throne to Asgard in order to protect the Midgardian lives and look over Jane," Thor sipped his drink.

"That's basically like a phone call."

Bailey stood by the sink in the kitchen, silently washing a glass that Tony had been drinking from. She dipped it in the rinse water, and let it dry out.

Natasha walked up to her with a few more dishes she had collected from the table.

"I never got to compliment you from the other day, when we met. You've got quite the skill," she commented while placing the dishes down.

"Thank you. I guess being a freak could be classified as a skill, I'm quite good at it," she laughed, and began on the new pile of dirty work.

"That would make two of us," She stated softly.

Bailey froze, and slowly looked to meet the Green eyes of Natasha Romanoff. She never would have thought that Nat would be someone who doubted themselves, or believed the lies that people spoke to bring her down.

"Every woman has her doubts, no matter who they are."

Bax gave a small, reassuring smile, and placed her soapy hand on top of Nat's that leant on the table side. When the bubbles floated into the air, both women busted into a short laughter.

It was the first time of many that the two would share a bonding moment, and Bax could just feel herself becoming closer with the stunning lady next to her.

They had something in common now, and had definitely learnt more about each other than intended. The small joke had gone a long way now, and the more Bailey thought about it and compared her own personal feelings and experiences, the more she felt for Natasha.

"Hey, Nat. You know how I'm going to dinner with Emma now? Would you like to join? We can make it a girl's night," she subtly suggested.

Caught off guard, Natasha replied, "Oh, yeah, sure, thanks."

Bax smiled to herself, and dried the last side plate left.

"I'll be by on your floor at 8," she winked, and walked off.

Leave it to Tony Stark to give each of his precious Avengers a floor each, all specifically designed by him. With Thor on the top floor, cause gods know he would destroy all above him, Hawkeye next as he claims to see better up high, then Cap, Tony Himself, Widow and Bruce (something bout experience of being too high up).

He really took converting Stark Towers into Avengers Towers to heart, and that gave away his soft side too easily.

Without a floor to herself, she slept on the couch on Tony's floor, while he designs a room for her to stay in. she planned on rather moving closer to the Tower, in the city, but the team refused.

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