Chapter 2.8

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"Rogers?" Bailey called out, looking between the two corridors

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"Rogers?" Bailey called out, looking between the two corridors.

"Steve..." She called again, finally noticing his figure down one of the staircases.

He leant against the railing, hand on his nose bridge and eyes help tightly shut. It took a good eye, but she could see the glistened tear barely poking out.

She could feel a frown dip on her face at the sight, and took a step down the stair case, closer to him. Balancing herself by holding onto the rail, she continued to slowly move forward.

"Steve?" she softly asked him, placing a hand on his bicep.

His head rose from where he pinched his nose, and the red eyes looked into her own blue ones.

"Are you okay?" she asked him.

Without a second to spare, he just drew her in for a hug. Wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer, she allowed the comforting to continue. The man was hurting and she could only pray that he would open up to her about it.

"You'll be all right, its fine," she soothed, rubbing the back of his shoulders and gently patting him in a calming matter.

"Peggy..." he whispered out, a crack in his voice.

"I know... I know how it feels. I'm here for you during this time," she reassured him, pulling back from the hug and resting her hands on his shoulders as she genuinely smiled a sympathetic smile at him.

"Gone... forever. Bailey, I'll never get to talk to her again... It's like waking up from the ice all over again. I got nothing..."

"That's not entirely true... you have us, you have me, and Nat, and Sam... The list could go on and on forever, Steve," she smiled and wiped away a tear that was running down his check.

"I do... I do. I'm still gonna miss her, though."

"I wouldn't think you as a human if you didn't," she dropped her hands, and held one open in front of her inviting him to take a hold of it.

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