Chapter 5

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Bailey let out a stifled scream as Natasha applied cold snow to the burn on her right shoulder.

To say that this was one of the most painful injuries that Bailey had ever received, was a major understatement. Something about the energy beam that hit her just made it feel like her skin was slowly being eaten at, molecules at a time.

Natasha gave her a disappointed look, and let the snow fall back to its spot on the ground.

"I'll just wrap it up, and we can get it looked at when we're back," she informed Bax.

A gauze was then pulled out from a backpack that sat in the otherwise empty quinjet, and she wrapped it slowly across the wound.

"You did a good job at getting yourself in trouble," Nat laughed.

When she looked up from Baileys shoulder, the mistake was made and their eyes were connected.

Blue looking into green, emerald staring at topaz.

Their breaths could be seen as steam flew from both of their mouths, they were heavily breathing. Bailey didn't think her breath was hitched because of the fight anymore...

A gunshot then caught their attention, and Nat's head whipped to see where the source of the sound had come from. Their own Agents had come to join them in battle, rallying up the leftover Hydra.

"We're locked down out here," Nat then informed the team, her hand never leaving Bailey's shoulder.

"Then get to Banner, time for a lullaby," Steve gave the orders.

Bailey gave Natasha a sympathetic look, no matter what tough façade Nat pulled off, Bailey could easily see just how scared the woman was of the green monster.

She raised her hand, and placed it over Nat's that sat on her right collar bone, and gave a gentle squeeze. A silent conversation took place, while the woman just shared looks of concern for each other,

'You'll be okay?' Nat seemed to ask.

'Only if you will,' was a good enough reply, and the red head made her way to the monster reigning down terror.

Bailey saw this as an opportunity for an escape plan, and looked over to the sleeping Clint next to her. No one was able to tell her 'no'.


So, she gathered her strength and went after Steve.

Bailey watched as Captain America kicked an agent into the hallway, blocking Strucker's escape route.

"Baron Strucker," he stated with a large amount of distaste pouring out, "Hydra's number one thug."

Bailey silently applauded the man for his updated slang.

"Technically, I'm a... thug for S.H.I.E.L.D," Baron Shot back at the Spangles.

Without skipping a beat, he replied, "well, then technically you're unemployed."

"Bam Bitch..." Bailey whispered under her breath, not giving away her position at the stairs just yet.

"Where's Loki's sceptre?" Cap asked him.

"Don't worry, I know when I'm beat," Bailey noticed that Strucker didn't look at her Captain, but more so in her own direction.

She held her breath, had she been caught?

"You'll mention how I... co-operated, I hope."

"I'll put it right under 'illegal human experimentation'."

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