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Burn so Bright by Bella Thorne
'We'll burn so bright
making all the people come to life'

5th August 2019

Resting my head against Shawn's warm bare chest I layed there peacefully with my eyes closed as he rubbed motions along my back.

His eyes were closed too as we tried to settle into sleep, but having failed for the last hour.

"We need to go shopping tomorrow" I mumbled, every inch of me tired and weak.

"Okay Elle" Shawn laughed tiredly as I buried my face deeper into his chest, hooking my arm over his side.

"We've barely got any food in the fridge and we've also got Alfie and Lydia staying round tomorrow night" every word I said was a mutter from how deprived of sleep I felt.

"Since when?" Shawn asked.

"Since two weeks ago, you're the one who arranged it" I laughed quietly.

"I can't even remember" Shawn sighed.

"You're so forgetful" I muttered as he wrapped both arms around me and cuddled into me tightly.

"You wouldn't have it any other way" Shawn lazily mumbled into the crook of my neck.

"Ofcourse not" I smiled.

After a few minutes of deafening silence the room filled with Shawn's light and faint snores, getting louder and louder from how close his lips were to my ear.

I just smiled, trying to shrug off the annoying sounds of his snores before burying my head further into the sheets to drown out the sound.

After what felt like an eternity of a day, a day which felt like an emotional rollercoaster, I finally felt myself become induced into a hazy sleep.


6th August 2019

"Okay so we've got all the food, is there anything else you want to get?" I asked Shawn as I chucked the last item on our list into the trolley

"Yeah there is actually, I want to get something for you and something for me" Shawn smirked as I turned around to see him stood there rocking back and fourth on his feet.

"Lead the way" I rolled my eyes as I turned the trolley around to follow him.

He then began jogging off, quickly going out of sight as I struggled to control the direction of the stiff trolley.

"Shawn, where the hell are you?" I laughed loudly as I looked down the next aisle to see no sight of Shawn.

"Shawn!" I called out again.

Just as I was about to move along to another aisle I felt something hard hit sharply against my arse causing me to gasp at the contact.

Whipping my head I immediately saw Shawn smirking at the end of one the aisles, holding a loaded nerf gun in his hand.

"That fucking hurt" I scowled at him as he laughed in response.

"I was thinking we could get a few of these for when we have friends over" Shawn said as he ushered me over to the aisle full of nerf guns.

"People come over to drink, not to have nerf wars" I rose my eyebrows at him as we stopped infront of all the nerf guns.

"Kyle and Liam would play with me" Shawn rolled his eyes causing me to laugh at his childish vulnerability.

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