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19th August 2019

We had just pulled up to the restaurant. Turning off the engine I unplugged myself before reaching behind my seat and grabbing my bag, which was next to Shawn's feet.

"Oh sorry" Shawn mumbled as I tried to pull my bag up but the strap was caught under his foot.

"It's fine" I looked up to give him a small smile but Shawn wasn't even looking my way as he opened the car door to get out.

I just let out an aggravated sigh before grabbing my bag and getting out of the car. Closing the door behind me I swung my bag over my shoulder before walking round to the back of the car to see Liam already opening the boot.

"Forget the wheelchair, I don't need it" Shawn said as he walked round the car to join my side.

"You sure?" Liam asked.

"Yes" Shawn simply replied before looking down at me.

"So is this my favourite restaurant then?" Shawn asked flicking his eyes to the front of the building and then back at me.

His tone was quite blunt and short. I could tell he was clearly upset with me about something.

"Yeah, we go here all the time" I explained, trying to search for an answer in Shawn's eyes of why he was acting like that.

Shawn just nodded before biting the inside of his cheek and looking away from me.

I just rolled my eyes and let out a massive sigh before turning away from Shawn and walking my way towards the front of the restaurant, leaving the boys to trail behind.

A short while later were now all sat in the restaurant at a table by the window. I was on the closest end to the aisle, with Shawn sat across from me and Liam on my right.

As I looked through the menu I could feel Shawn's leg come up the side of mine, the material of his tight joggers rubbing up against my bare skin.

He hooked his leg around mine, pulling me forward a little as he did which caused me to gasp at his sudden movement.

Looking up at Shawn he was still facing down at his menu, acting like he wasn't evening anything.

"You alright?" Liam asked, noticing the noise I made.

"Yeah" I nodded before returning my focus back down to the menu.

Continuing to decide on what I wanted to order I could still feel Shawn's leg moving against mine. I don't know what he was expecting me to do or say so instead I just pulled my leg away so he couldn't touch me. I mean it's not like he's going to look or talk to me anyway.

Eventually the waitress was over to take our order. Each of us ordered in turn and then it came to Shawn.

"I'll have the barbecue burger please" Shawn said before closing his menu and looking up at the waitress.

For a second the waitress stopped and looked intensely at Shawn as if she was trying to figure something out.

"I recognise you from somewhere, have you been in here before?" The waitress asked.

Devoted S.M Where stories live. Discover now