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Crazy In Love - Remix by Beyoncé
'I look and stare so deep in your eyes'

9th August 2019

Sitting on Shawn's lap his arms were wrapped around the front of me as we took a short rest from all the dancing.

My fingers fiddled with Shawn's hands as they layed against my stomach, my head fallen back onto his chest as he rested his on the top of mine.

"Thankyou for doing all of this" Shawn whispered as I tiredly smiled at his words, watching everyone as they continued to dance and socialise.

"Like I said, anything for you" I replied as I flicked my eyes up slightly to see Shawn smiling out at the dance floor.

"It's been so much fun, and even though I'm really drunk right now I know I won't forget a single second of this" Shawn laughed lightly before returning his eyes back down at me.

"Neither will I" I smiled warmly as I lifted my head up, moving my body round so I could face him.

Letting my legs dangle off the side of Shawn's lap I turned my body to the side our faces could be near one another. Taking my hand up to the side of his face I rested my thumb on his peached chin as the rest of my palm cupped his cheek.

As my touch lingered against his skin I watched with such grace as his smile broadened into such a beautiful light.  Matching his smile I then lent forward and closed my eyes, connecting my lips perfectly onto his.

Feeling Shawn softly kiss back I then felt his hand go to my waist as his fingers lingered down my sides.

I then felt Shawn's other hand come up to the side of my neck, his thumb moving along my jaw, as his other fingers brushed through the back of my hair.

"Elle?" Shawn hummed as our lips parted for a minor second before falling back onto one another's.

"Hmm" I replied in response, not wanting to lose the taste of his lips.

"I-" Shawn breathed out heavily as he took his lips off mine.

Opening my eyes I was surprised to see him already a little out of breath, which was probably influenced by alcohol.

"What?" I asked, a little concerned as he back pulling a face and scrunching his nose up.

"I really need the toilet" he whined before flinging his head back.

"Oh, sorry" I smirked to myself, my cheeks slightly blushed as I hopped off his lap.

Looking back at him he still had his head flung back like a toddler, his hand going over his crotch as if to hold in.

"Hurry up and go, I was enjoying kissing you" I rose my eyebrows as I went over and tugged on Shawn's hands for him to get up.

"Can't get enough can you?" Shawn smirked like a smug drunk as his swirling intoxicated eyes beamed at me.

"Just get up" I rolled my eyes as Shawn eventually stood up from his chair, his hands still in mine.

Towering over me Shawn gave me a big, half drunk, smile before leaning down and pecking a kiss on my cheek before leaving a stained taste on my lips.

Smiling into the kiss Shawn then lent back and threw me one last signature smile.

"I'll be as quick as possible, don't go anywhere" Shawn grinned before letting go of my hands and dissapearing off into the crowd.

Once Shawn was out of sight I turned around in the opposite direction to see Heidi and Emily walking towards me, unsurprisingly with another drink in their hands.

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