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Hi everyone! Now that this book is officially completed I was wondering if you guys had any questions at all regarding this book, future projects or anything else for that matter! If you do then please drop a question in the comments and I'll reply back on here!


lostintasha 'why did you choose name halsten?- i now love it!!'

Well I actually got the name from a YouTube family channel called 'Kyler and Mad'. They have a daughter called Halston and I loved the name so much that I decided to use it as it also a boys name too!

LanaFay05 'Do you think you'd ever make any future Shawn Mendes fanfiction with different diverse female point of view'

As of right now I do not plan on writing any future Shawn Mendes fanfiction. After having already written two I've decided to take my writing in a different direction and try out something new. I have a new project coming out called 'Him' which will be a teen fiction and I hope you follow along with it!

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