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9th August 2019

"There's still some mash left if you're feeling up to it" I said, sitting on the side of Shawn's bed as he tiredly stared up at me.

"No thanks, my throat is so sore and my whole body aches so much right now" Shawn sighed.

I gave him a sympathetic smile before reaching towards the table and getting his drink.

"Here, maybe this will help" I said before moving the straw towards Shawn's lips so he could drink from it.

In the past hour Shawn's whole mood had just gone down hill. He was suddenly in a whole lot more pain and his energy had basically dropped to nearly zero.

"You should really get some sleep Shawn" I said softly as he had of his drink.

"I know, but everything hurts too much for me to sleep" Shawn's face contorted in pain as he tried to adjust his position.

"Let me go talk to the doctors, maybe they can give you something to relieve some of the pain" I smiled before soothing my hand over Shawn's hair.

"Thankyou, and after that you should go home" Shawn nodded before leaning his head down and pressing a soft kiss to my arm.

I couldn't help but smile as he just casually kissed my skin, as if none of the last 24 hours had happened.

"I can always get a bed in here so you're not alone tonight" I offered but Shawn shook his head.

"No, you go home and sleep in a comfy bed. Atleast one of us should get to" Shawn gave me a small smile as I let my hand fall down from his hair.

"Okay, but first let me go get someone to get rid of this pain" I rolled my eyes before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his grazed cheek.



Laying in bed I just stared straight up at the celin, unable to fall asleep no matter how exhausted I felt. The room was dark, the glare from the street lights shining through the crack between the curtains.

All I could think about was how Shawn was laying all alone in a cold hospital room, beyond confused and in so much pain. Before I left the hospital his stomach was in so much agony that I had to call the nurse in.

I insisted on staying but Shawn was adamant on me going home. He told me that I needed to sleep otherwise I wouldn't be able to come visit him tomorrow.

The room then lit up with my phone screen as ringing began to sound. Reaching over to my night stand I saw that Karen was calling.

Answering the phone I pulled the phone up to my ear before sitting up in my bed.

"Is everything okay Karen?" I asked, letting out a quiet yawn as I reached over and turned on my bedside lamp.

"No hunny, I just got a call from the hospital and they're preparing Shawn for surgery. They said his stomach pain has gotten extremely worse" Karen sighed immediately sending my pulse into an uproar of worry.

"Is he okay?" I panicked, shooting up from the bed before running to the wardrobe and getting out a random hoodie and a pair of leggins.

"I don't think so, we're just about to leave. Do you want us to pick you up on the way?" Karen asked.

"No it's okay, it'll be quicker if I drive myself" I replied, rushing around the room to get changed as quick as possible.

"Okay, love. We'll see you soon" Karen said.

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