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23rd September 2019

I couldn't think straight as I sat in the waiting room, waiting for Elle to finish up with all her tests. My knees were shaking up and down as I eagerly hunched over in my chair.

Elle was in so much pain the whole car ride here. I can still feel the stinging feeling off her nails clenching into my hand.

All I could think about was the possibility that something could be wrong with our baby. It was slowly killing me to watch Elle in so much pain.

Eventually after a couple minutes or so my name was called. Looking up from the floor my eyes fell onto Elle as she sat in a wheelchair, the doctor pushing her along from behind.

Standing up I walked towards her where the doctor then stopped pushing her.

"If you take her into that room, I'll go get the results" the doctor explained as she stepped out the way so I could hold the wheelchair.

"Thankyou" I replied before taking ahold of the chair.

"How was it? How do you feel now?" I calmly spoke, full of worry inside but not wanting to panic her.

"I'm not in as much pain anymore, but now I just feel so tired" Elle said softly as I pushed her towards the room we had to go to.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"I sadly asked, wishing I could just take her pain and put it on me.

"Just stay here with me" she mumbled as I looked down at her to see her closing her eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere" I whispered before leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head.

Eventuslly reaching the room I pushed Elle over to the front of the doctor's desk. Putting the brake on I then took a seat on the chair beside her.

"I called your brother" I said, turning to look at Elle as she tiredly sat there with her eyes still closed.

"Saying what? He doesn't even know I'm pregnant" she sighed.

"Yeah, I kind of guessed that from his reaction" I laughed lightly causing Elle to slowly open her eyes to look at me.

"I can't believe you stayed here with me" she said, her voice so delicate that it could send me to sleep

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked, pulling my eyebrows together.

"Because of how much I've put you through" she frowned, causing my whole face to soften at the guilt in her voice.

"I really am sorry Shawn"

I then watched in complete and utter heartache as small tears began to form in her eyes before falling down her cheeks.

"Hey, it's okay" I whispered, reaching forward to wipe her tears away with my thumb.

"You're just saying that" she sighed as she sniffed a few times to try and stop herself from crying.

"And I mean it" I said adamantly  cupping her cheek in my hand.

"I would do all of this all over again if it meant that I could relive all those happy moments we've shared together in the last month"

Elle didn't say anything but instead she just looked away from me, making my hand fall from her cheek.

"Heidi and Emily are arranging a gender reveal party for me on the 11th of October, you can come if you want" Elle explained after a couple minutes of awkward silence.

Devoted S.M Where stories live. Discover now