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22nd September 2019

Placing my phone down, screen first, onto the counter I let out loud sigh of frustration. Shawn had called me three times already, and now he was resorting to texting me to get try and get ahold of me.

Right now, I was so confused on what to do. I love Shawn with all my heart and can't imagine a waking moment without him. However, on the other hand, like Manny said, the stress that is on our relationship isn't fair on Shawn. I need to stop being so selfish and realise what is better for Shawn.

Feeling my phone vibrate for a fifth time I picked up my phone to look at what Shawn had sent through.


Is everything okay? You're not answering any of my calls Xx

Please just call me back, I need to speak to you Xx

Elle, I know you're reading these messages

Did my dad say something to you?

Call me later




And again, she ignored me. I'm not sure why or what had happened to make her ignore me, but I do know that last night in the car the two of us were having a good time.

Throwing my phone onto my bed I felt my body tense up as I stormed my way downstairs, already having an idea of who was behind this.

Marching my way into the living I made my presence very clear as I walked over to the front of the tv and turned it off.

"Shawn!" Mum moaned as she gave me a questioning look of why I did it.

"What did you say to Elle?" I fumed, looking directly at my as he sat beside my mum.

"I just told her that I think it'd be best for her to cut all communication with you" dad explained as my mum exchanged confused looks between the two of us.

"That isn't your decision to make!" I snapped, not being to hold in the anger I felt any longer.

"Calm down, Shawn" mum tried to intervene.

"I'm sorry mum, but he's been trying to separate Elle and I. He's been sticking thoughts in her head to try and get her to ignore me and this morning he tried to stop me from seeing her" I explained, trying to not raise my voice.

"Manny?" Mum questioned as she rose her eyebrows at him.

"Right, I'm only saying any of this Shawn because it's evident to all of us how all of this is tearing you apart" dad sighed, sitting forward in his chair.

"You're under so much stress and pressure and you're not handling it well. It'll be easier now if you just separate before anymore feelings can be attached to her"

"This is ridiculous" I groaned, frustratingly rubbing my neck with my hand.

"I have your best interests at heart Shawn and I think that you can't move on with your life if you stay with her" dad sighed.

Devoted S.M Where stories live. Discover now