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1st May 2021

I had been waiting for this day since I first met Elle and I couldn't believe that today I was finally marrying the girl of my dreams.

It was less than an hour until I finally get to say 'I do' to one of people I love most in this world and I couldn't be more excited.

"Okay so how do I look, am I hotter than the groom?" Kyle joked as he checked himself out in the mirror.

"In your dreams" I laughed, smirking to myself as I buttoned up my white shirt.

"Do you feel nervous?" Kyle asked, turning around to look at me.

"A little, I'm more excited than anything" I anxiously chuckled before grabbing my baby pink coloured tie from the back of the chair.

Just as I began hooking the tie around my neck there was then a knock on our hotel room door.

"I'll get it" Kyle offered before walking pass me and over to the door.

Turning round to see who was at the door I instantly smiled as I saw that it was my Mum and Dad.

"Doesn't somebody look handsome?" Mum smiled proudly at me before rushing over to me to engulf me in a hug.

Wrapping my arms around her I let out a chuckle before eventually releasing from the hug to carry on tying my tie.

"You look beautiful Mum" I grinned as my she wore a long floral dress.

"We bought you two your flowers to wear" Dad then said as he placed a tray of flowers on the bed.

"How's Elle, have you seen her?" I then asked before grabbing my waistcoat and putting it on.

"Not yet but we're gonna pop to see her in a sec. Aaliyah has been sending us pictures all morning" Mum laughed, making me smile as I lastly put on my dark grey blazer to complete the suit.

"I bet she's going to look so beautiful" I smiled in awe as my Mum then grabbed my set of flowers.

"We're so proud of you Shawn" Mum smiled as she began to pin a white rose to the left side of my blazer for me.

Smiling warmly down at her I could see her eyes become a little glossy as as they swarmed with up at me with pride.

"You've grown into such a great man" Dad then added as I he firmly held his hand on my shoulder.

"I love you guys so much" I grinned, letting out an overwhelmed sighe before engulfing the two of them in a hug.



Standing infront of the mirror I tried to comprehend that I was about to get married.

All I could was stare at myself in my wedding dress, still in complete disbelief that I about to walk down the aisle to meet the love of my life.

Admiring my dress in the mirror I gently took my hands down the front of my dress, the light lace material feeling so soft against my skin. The dress fitted tightly to my body until it fell into a long flowy train at my legs. With thin straps over my shoulders the dress was backless while my hair was pinned up into a low elegant bun, with loose curls falling down pass my face.

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