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Young & Foolish by Alex Aiono
'Foolish enough to know where ever you go I´ll follow you'

8th August 2019

Holding onto both of Shawn's I gently pulled him onto the rink as he tried to steady himself on his rollerskates.

"I really don't think this is a good idea, Elle" Shawn sighed as he kept his eyes on his feet, trying to take very small step so he didn't fall.

"It'll be fun, it always is" I smiled as Shawn hesitantly let go of the railing so I could pull him further into the rink.

"You're only saying that because you find me falling arse first amusing" Shawn rose his eyebrow as he looked at me with a smirk.

"Oh come on, you're not that bad" I playfully rolled my eyes as Shawn scoffed in response.

"You don't have to be nice, we both know I suck at this" Shawn laughed as he readjusted his hold on my hands.

"Just move your feet" I instructed, gradually skating the two of us back with minimal help from Shawn.

"I'm trying but I know that if I do too much I'm going to fall" Shawn replied as stumbled a little on his feet.

"Right, let go of my hands and just copy me" I laughed as I began trying to let go of Shawn's hands, but instead he tried holding onto them even tighter.

"No, no, don't let go" Shawn whined as I tried to deprive my hands out of Shawn's if it grip.

"Shawn, you're never going to learn if you don't do it on your own" I laughed as I looked up at Shawn's genuine worried face.

"Don't let go Elle, I really don't want to fall" Shawn insisted causing me to crack a big smile as uncontrollable laughter poured from my lips.

"What?" Shawn furrowed his eyebrows as he pulled me close to him, my feet gliding against the floor in one swift motion.

"You're acting like it's the end of the world" I laughed as Shawn wrapped his arms around me, resulting in my hand going to his hoodie covered chest.

"Well I don't really want to get a neck or a leg injury on my birthday" Shawn smirked as he rose his eyebrows at me.

"Have you ever when we've gone skating before?" I asked causing Shawn to playfully roll his eyes.

"No, but I have had a twisted arm" Shawn replied causing me to laugh lightly, remembering the most painful look on Shawn's face when he did that.

"Okay, well just hold my hand and skate by my side. I promise I got you" I grinned up at Shawn causing him to smile widely at me.

"Thankyou" Shawn smiled before leaning down and pecking a quick kiss against my lips.

Gently taking ahold of one of Shawn's hands I intertwined our fingers before taking the two of us off to skate around the rink, and ofcourse Shawn having taken no time at all to fall over.



As I walked into the kitchen I held back a laugh as Shawn groaned from his chair, holding an ice pack on his knee.

"How's the patient?" I tried to hide my smirk as I walked straight past Shawn and over to the fridge to grab both him and I a drink.

"Loving life" Shawn sighed dramatically as I pulled out a bottle of wine, a quiet laugh escaping my lips.

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