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2nd November 2019

Today Liam and Heidi were leaving Canada to go live in New York. Shawn had been pretty quiet all morning and I could tell that the thought of Liam moving away was really getting him down.

We had decided to go for breakfast before we made our way over to theirs. Finishing up the last of my orange juice I looked over at Shawn to see him staring out of the window, his jaw clenched.

"Shawn, you've barely touched any of your food" I sighed gently, looking down and his basically full plate.

"I'm not hungry" Shawn shrugged, bringing his eyes to look at me as he lent back in his chair.

Giving him a sympathetic smile I reached forward and took his hand in mine as they rested on the table.

"I know how hard this is for you, I'm losing my bestfriend too" I softly said as Shawn's dismal eyes stared at me.

"Yeah but I've been bestfriends with Liam since I was in elementary school  I see him nearly everyday" Shawn took a deep breath as he  intertwined our fingers.

"I know, but we've all gotta move on at some point" I softly smiled, trying to comfort him.

"I guess you're right" Shawn sighed before bringing our joined hands to his lips and pressing a kiss against my skin.

"You've got me" I reassured, making Shawn smile my hand as he pecked me another kiss.

"I mean I can't play basketball and can't burp the alphabet but I'm good at other things"

Laughter poured from Shawn's lips as he rested both our hands back on the table, now a big smile on his face as he focused on me.

"Don't we know it" Shawn teased, giving me a wink as I lightly laughed along.

"Right, we should get going. You ready to go my love?" Shawn then said, taking me a little off guard at his nickname for me.

Noticing my questiomab expression Shawn rose his eyebrows at me.

"What?" Shawn laughed in confusion.

"My love?" I repeated, both a big and shy smile aligning across my lips.

"You use to call me that all the time"

This made Shawn's smile grow even bigger as my eyes beamed up at him in hope.

"Maybe I am starting to remember a little then?" Shawn grinned, so pleased with himself.

Laughing at his reaction I then kenr over the table I could kiss Shawn. Grabbing his face with both of my hands I planted a passionate kiss against his lips as if I never wanted to let go.

"Let's go, my love" Shawn smiled, stringing out the nickname, after we finished the kiss.



Standing in the kitchen I was with Heidi and Emily plating up food for all of us and the boys, who were busy playing mario kart in the living room.

"So Eloise, how long until the baby boy is due?" Emily asked as I put some pizza onto both mine and Shawn's plates.

"A little over four months" I replied, working out how many weeks pregannt I was on my fingers.

"What does it feel like, being pregnant?" Heidi asked.

"It's really weird, but it's amazing. I mean don't get me wrong, sometimes it gets hard but Shawn is always there cheering me on" I smiled, looking down at my bump and softly stroking it.

Devoted S.M Where stories live. Discover now