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6th November 2019

Rolling up the ends of my navy blue shirt I pinned them up before going to stand infront of my long mirror.

Pulling my fingers through my finally fully grown curls I made sure they were tidied up enough before going over to my bed to put my shoes on.

Sitting on the edge of the bed I took my new black boots out of the box before slipping them onto my feet.

As I did I could hear the bathroom door opening.

"Can you zip me up please?" Elle requested as I looked up from my shoes.

Looking over at her I felt my jaw dropped as my eyes roamed from her head to her toes.

She looked breathtaking.

"You looking stunning" I choked on my words and stood up, admiring every inch of her.

She was wearing a red dress. It was was tight fitted and off the shoulder going all the way down to just above the knees.

"Thankyou" she blushed, lightly laughing as I went behind her to zip her up.

Once I zipped her I placed my hands on the back of her shoulders before leaning down and pressing kisses along the side of her neck, her hair being up in an elegant low bun so I had better access.

"Save that for later" Elle laughed before swiftly turning around, her arms hooking around my neck as my hands rested on her waist.

"I can't help myself" I grinned before leaning down and pressing several generous kisses to her soft lips.

"Seriously, we should get going" Elle softly giggled as she moved her hands to either side of my face to hold me still so I couldn't kiss her again.

"Hang on" I beamed before letting go of her and rushing and over to my bedside draw to get my phone.

Opening the camera I stood a little back from Elle before holding it up at her.

She was already smiling naturally so I quickly snapped a few photos before walking over to her and wrapping my arm around her waist.

"Ready?" I asked Elle, turning the camera to front camera.

Elle nodded before the two of us smiled into the camera. Capturing a couple photos in that position I then pecked a kiss against Elle's cheek, leaving that as the last photo we took.

"Okay, now we can go" I smiled, slipping my phone into my pocket.



Placing my knife and fork down on my now empty plate I wiped my mouth on my napkin before looking over at Shawn as he finished the last sip of his champagne. Seeing as I couldn't drink he was drinking for the both of us.

"How was your food?" Shawn asked, placing his now empty glass on the table.

"It was great, thanks. I think I've definately now eaten my bodyweight in food" I joked, causing Shawn to laugh as he sat forward in his chair.

"Well you better have saved some room for dessert" Shawn grinned.

"I think I can manage" I smirked, making him raise his eyebrows in amusement.

After a couple minutes a waiter came to clear our table and when he did I noticed how Shawn had whispered something to him.

"I was asking him for the dessert menus" Shawn explained, noticing my questionable expression.

I just nodded and smiled at him before Shawn then reached across the table and took my hand in his.

"You know Elle, you've truly made me the happiest I've ever been in my life" Shawn admitted, making my heart do leaps as I stared at him in awe.

"I'm so unbelievably inlove with you that even I can't quite believe it" Shawn lightly laughed, my cheeks aching at how much I was smiling right now.

"You're the reason I am where I am and without having you by my side the last few months I don't know what I would have done"

"When you could have left and given up on us, you chose not to. You stuck around and god, am I so glad that you did"

I could already feel slight tears begin to form in the corner of my eyes as I listened to how soft he spoke.

"We've been through so much together and I wouldn't have wanted to do all this with anyone else. I would do it a hundred times over if I had to"

Intertwining our fingers Shawn  squeezed my hand as his eyes became lossy.

"And with that in mind, I haven't been telling you the whole truth" Shawn's voice shook a little.

Furrowing my eyebrows at him Shawn then also took ahold of my other hand.

"I remember who you are Elle"

Immediately I felt my heart drop into the pit of my stomach as my whole mouth fell dry.

"What?" I choked out.

"I remember everything" he answered, tears now falling down his cheeks as a relieved smile tugged at his lips.

"I found the engagement ring yesterday and somehow it eventually bough everything back to me"

I was still in shock and didn't even know whether to believe him or not. Feeling the tears sink down my skin I tried to find any words but each time I would get choked up.

"I remember how we spent every night of summer in the pool, I remember how much I wanted a baby, I remember that on the morning of my birthday you sung dancing queen to me" Shawn explained, making light laughter leave my lips at the last memory.

I was now a crying mess as he sat there and confessed what we had both been waiting for, for the longest time. Shawn just looked so happy and overwhelmed as he stared at me in awe. 

"I remember how I had planned to propose to you, I remember how jealous you got when I gave that waitress a note, I remember how I've been inlove with you since we 18"

"And, so-" Shawn smiled, letting go of one of my hands to wipe his eyes.

Seeing Shawn look behind me I followed his eyes to see a waiter carrying a cake.

Feeling Shawn let go of my hands I looked back over to where he was to see him gone from his seat and knelt down on the floor.

"I've been waiting to do this since the first day I met you" Shawn grinned, his eyes puffy as he reached into the pocket of his trousers.

Shawn then pulled out a box before opening it and holding it towards me.

"You are the other half of me Elle and I want to spend every waking day  with you"

"So, Eloise Jackson, will you marry me?"

So it's the chapter you've all been waiting for! Shawn finally remembers!

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