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24th September 2019

Struggling to button my jeans over my bump I let out a frustrated sigh before pulling them off my legs and chucking  them onto my bed.

This was the third pair of jeans I had tried on and still none of them would fit over my bump. Even if my bump was only petite it was about time that I started to buy either maternity clothes or bigger jean sizes.

Walking back over to my closest I scanned my eyes along the railings before pulling out a dress which I had never actually worn. It was a pale yellow tight fitted dress and just long enough to rest on my knees.

Quickly changing into it I then paired it with a blue denim jacket. Checking out myself in the mirror I pushed my long curly hair behind me before grabbing my bag and leaving my room.

As I made my way down the stairs I heard a knock come from the front door, meaning that Shawn was here early.

Once getting downstairs I made my way towards the front door before pulling it open to reveal Shawn. Immediately I felt Shawn's eye look me up and down, somewhat making me blush as I stood there.

"You look nice" he smiled, letting out a slight cough as he cleared his throat.

"Thanks" I returned a tight smile, feeling my cheeks burn as I invited him.

"Your bump is getting so big" Shawn smiled warmly down at my stomach.

"I know" I grinned as I placed one hand on my bump and the other on my back so Shawn could get full shot of just how big it was.

"Pregnancy looks good on you" Shawn sweetly said as he moved towards me before kneeling down infront of my bump.

Again I blushed like crazy as Shawn naturally rested his hands on the top of my stomach.

"Does the baby kick much?" Shawn asked, soothing his thumbs in circular motions.

"Yeah, so much at night. It's like the baby doesn't want me to sleep" I lightly laughed.

"Well that's not nice" Shawn cutely spoke to my belly, making my heart do somersaults.

"So what are we calling he/she until we come up the name?" Shawn asked.

"Well, for the past month I've been calling the baby, baby M" I replied causing Shawn's eyes to light up as he looked up at me.

"As in Mendes?" He asked.

I couldn't help smile from how contagious and pure his reaction was.

"As in Mendes" I repeated, Shawn's smile only widening and brightening up even more.

Just then there was another knock st the door. Shawn then let go of my bump before walking towards the front door and answering it.

"Oh hi Shawn" Heidi firstly said, actually not even knowing yet that Shawn was coming with us.

"Hey, Heidi and Emily" he smiled as I walked up to the side of him to grab my keys out of the door.

Devoted S.M Where stories live. Discover now