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7th April 2020

As I gripped onto the collar of Liam's shirt my other hand was covered in blood as I repeatedly punched his face with my fist.

"You're sick!" I screamed out as I stood on my knee beside him, my head towering over his body.

"Shawn, man, please" Liam pleaded, reaching his hands forward and trying to push me away.

"You fucking broke into my home and then fucking watched my wife and son sleep!" I fumed, now stopping punching his and gripping his shirt with both my hands as I lifted him up a little.

"I know and I'm sorry but I had to see her. I love her man" Liam sighed weakly.

As soon as those words left his mouth I felt my body become even more hot and tense than it already was. Staring at him with my wife beady eyes I could feel my chest rising up and down as I tried to think very carefully about what my next move was going to be.

"I deserve her more than you ever have" Liam mocked.

And that was it. That was all it took me to have him pinned to the floor again and blowing punches to his jaw.

"Don't you dare ever say that again!" I shouted between heavy breaths.

As Liam's blood continued to sink down my skin I then felt a paid of hands reach on my shoulders and try to pull me back.

"Shawn, stop!" Elle shouted as she struggled to even make me budge.

"No! He fucking deserves everything he gets!" I bellowed, my eyes firing red at liam as his eyes began to faintly  open and close.

"Shawn, you're gonna kill him!" Elle screamed, trying to pull me off again.

"I don't care!" I snapped, shrugging Elle off my shoulder with force.

Feeling her hands let go of me I then heard a thud and behind me. Looking back Elle was now on the floor, a painful expression planted on her face as she held her side.

"Oh shit, Elle I'm so sorry" I instantly panicked, letting go Liam and turning to her.

Going to reach out for her she pulled back, sending me an aching glare.

"Don't touch me" Elle mumbled, her eyes scanning down to my bloody red hands.

Looking down at my hands I opened my fists to see them covered in so much blood.

Gulping away the dryness in my throat I widened my eyes as I looked down at Liam to see what I had done. He was laying there barely concious, all bloody and bruised, as his eyes kept opening and closing.

"He was going to hurt you, I had to do something" I stuttered, trying to come up with an answer of what I had just done.

"I told you to stop" Elle's whispered, her voice breaking as I looked back at her.

Watching her she had watery eyes as she looked down at Liam and then up at me, her face sheer pale white.

"I had to do it, Elle. I had to protect you" I frowned at her, reaching towards her hand as it rested beside her on the pavement.

"Not like this" Elle cried, tears now streaming down her face.

Feeling my heart break in utter ache of seeing her cry she then pulled her hand out from under mine before gradually standing up, still holding onto her side.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my throat scratchy as I reached up and tried to take her hand.

"I'm going to my brothers" she mumbled as she stepped away from me so I couldn't touch her.

Devoted S.M Where stories live. Discover now