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11th October 2019

I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I stood there watching Elle dancing underneath the fairy lights with a group of our friends.

It felt so good to see Elle genuinely enjoying herself. She was glowing with every step and turn she took. It was like in this past week she had become a totally new and healthier person.

I had no idea what song was playing but I did know that everyone on the dancefloor was screaming it at the top of their lungs. Eventually Elle caught me staring at her and immediately a smile rose onto her lips.

Merging her way out of all the poeple dancing she walked towards me before grabbing onto my hand and dragging me back towards everyone.

"I can't dance Elle" I laughed as she pulled me into the middle of everyone.

"You can Shawn, and you know it" Elle teased, raising her eyebrows at me as she let go of my hand and began moving to the music.

Realising that I was yet to start dancing Elle rolled her eyes before moving towards me. Grabbing my hands she placed them both on either side of her waist.

Her arms then hooked around my neck as she began moving her hips go the beat. As her hips moved against my touch I travelled my eyes up and down her body. I'm not sure what she was trying to do to me but whatever it was, it was definately working.

"How did you learn to move like that?" I mumbled, eventually finding my stepping and starting to move.

"It's part of my heritage Shawn" she replied as the two of us began to step back and then forward in turn.

"And that is?" I asked, grabbing her hand and twirling her round.

"Filipino" she answered as she spun into my chest, our two bodies now pressed up against eachothers.

"Did you ever teach me how to dance?" I questioned, looking down at her body before lifting my eyes up to hers.

"Yeah, you're actually very good at it" she smirked, obviously having catched me looking at her.

"Teach me again" I smiled.

She grinned back at me before grabbing both of my hands and teaching me how to dance.

We were practically on the dance floor for the rest of the nice, only dancing with one another.

As it neared to night time the party eventually came to an end and one by one everyone had left, leaving only the two of us.

Carrying a bin bag around the garden I chucked any rubbish or used bottles in it as Elle wrapped all the food left on the table.

"We didn't even cut the cake" Elle pointed out.

"Wanna eat some right now?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at her as she flashed me a smile.

"I thought you'd never ask" she grinned like kid before running inside to get some plates.

Helplessly laughing to myself I toed the bag into a knot before leaving it on the ground and going over to the table. Coming back outside Elle now held two plates, two forks and a knife.

Taking the knife from her I placed it on the top of the cake before cutting each of us a slice.

"Your mum is so great at decorating cakes" Elle gushed as the two of us took a seat on the floor of the patio.

"Yeah, and she's even better at baking them" I agreed as I took my fork from Elle and began digging into my piece of cake.

"Today was a really good day" Elle said as I looked down at her to see her resting her plate on her bump.

"Oh my god, how is that even possible?" I immediately busted out into laughter as she just casually sat there like it was no big deal.

"Its cool right?" Elle grinned before taking another mouthful as I only laughed.

"Anyway, back to what you were saying, it really has been a good day" I smiled.

"I can't believe we're having a boy" Elle sighed, it still not having sunk in for the both of us.

"I know, it's crazy" I replied.

"Just think about all the things we can teach him"

"I'll teach him how to leave the toilet seat down after he's finished" Elle teased.

Playfully rolling my eyes I nudged her as she only laughed in amusement to herself.

Eventually a peaceful silence filled the space around us. Placing my now empty plate next to me I then felt Elle's head rest against the side of my arm.

"Shawn? Elle whispered, a small sigh falling from her lips.

"Hmm" I hummed, glancing down at her to see her looking up at the stars.

"Do you ever forget that you don't remember me?" She asked.

"Yeah I do" I replied softly, making her slowly turn her head to look up at me.

"I feel like I've known you my whole life"

As soon as those words rolled off my tongue her whole face lit up, her eyes beaming with hope.

"I may not remember you from before my accident but after everything that's happened between us since, I do know one thing"

"What's that?" She whispered as my hand went to the side of her face.

"That I'm falling deeply inlove with you" I said lowly as she rested her forehead against mine.

An undeniable smile tugged onto her lips as I softly cupped her cheek.

"You're falling inlove with me?" She asked quietly, shyness radiating in her voice.

"Crazy right?" I grinned.

Not wanting to hold back another second I pressed my lips passionately against hers. She immediately welcomed my touch as she sunk so effortlessly into the kiss.

Letting my eyes shut and run wild I deepened the kiss as my hold on her became firmer, my hand now going round to the back of her neck.

If I could choose one moment to play on repeat for the rest of my life, it would be this moment right here.

I'm so active at the moment and I hope to keep up this stride!

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