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I Get to Love You by Ruelle
'I get to love you, it's the best thing that I'll ever do'

8th August 2019

Jumping out of the shower I then grabbed my towl off the shelf before wrapping it around my body. Drying my feet on the bathroom mat I then walked over to the door before pulling it open.

Walking into the bedroom Shawn was sprawled out across our bed as he scrolled through his phone, his arms stretched up the air as he done so.

With a smile on my face I then walked over to the bed before sitting down next to Shawn, folding my legs underneath me as I held my towl in place.

Shawn's head immediately turned to face me as he noticed my presence, a smile automatically forming onto his plump lips.

"That was quick" Shawn laughed lightly, putting his phone down next to him as he reached up and pushed my fallen wet hair behind my ears.

"Well I had to be because you still need to have a shower" I rose my eyebrows, my smile a little teasing as Shawn replied with a wide grin.

"I still think you should have taken me up on my offer of showering together" he teased as I rolled my eyebrows, Shawn now moving his fingers through my hair.

"We're never going to shower together Shawn" I shook my head laughing, always having been against the idea which Shawn didn't quite get but still had always respected.

"It saves water" Shawn smiled innocently as he flashed his flirty eyes at me.

Scoffing with laughter I then pushed Shawn's hand off me before getting up from the bed, earning an amused laugh from Shawn.

"Get in the shower, we don't have much time till the others get here" I said as I grabbed my robe from my closet.

"Babe, we have like over an hour" Shawn chuckled as I looked behind me to see him in the exact same position.

"Still, you take forever to get ready" I said before dropping my towl and slipping my robe on, much to Shawn's amusement as his eyes practially buldged out of his head.

"I think you mean you take forever to get ready" Shawn swallowed as he sat up, the redness and beat evident on his cheeks.

"Shawn, you've seen me naked many times before, now calm down and go shower" I laughed as Shawn blushed, a shy smile playing along his lips as he got up from the bed.

"Another reason as to why we should shower together" Shawn grinned, purposely showing all his teeth like a kid before he strutted into the bathroom.

Laughing to myself I watched as Shawn shut the door before I then walked over to my makeup table and began getting ready for the night ahead.



"Come on babe, I'm dieing out here" I heard Shawn sigh from outside the bathroom door as I lastly spritzed myself with some perfume.

"Give me a sec" I replied as I quickly checked myself out in the mirror.

Turning from side to side I admired my outfit, making sure the tightness of the material was hugging all the right places.

I was wearing an off the shoulder plunging red laced dress, which only rested just above the knees. I had a pair of red heels to match and my hair was pulled back into a lick ponytail, the ends of my hair falling into loose curls.

Shawn always loved seeing me red, always having said it's his favourite colour on me. I wanted tonight to be his night and I wanted for him to enjoy himself, and for me to look good for him like he effortlessly does for me everyday.

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