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Afterglow by Juliander
'Waking up by your smile
is what I'm dreaming of'

8th August 2019  

Standing next to Emily I had my arms crossed across my chest as we stood in the garden watching Shawn and Kyle prepared to open a bottle of champagne.

"Watch where you aim that Shawn! Jesus Christ, do you want to make me blind?" Kyle exclaimed as he backed up so he was behind Shawn so he wasn't in direct shot of the bottle.

"Oh stop being so overdramatic" Shawn chuckled before peering at Emily and I, sending us both an eyeroll.

"Just pop it already!" Emily demanded causing me to laugh as Shawn narrowed his eyes at her.

"Jeez, you're just as bad as your boyfriend" he joked causing me to bite down on my lip to suppress any laughter.

Noticing this Shawn turned his attention onto me, sending me am amused smirk before cutely scrunching his nose up at me.

"Go on, open your first bottle of champagne as a twenty one year old" I grinned as my arms fell comfortably to my side.

"Get ready babe" Shawn smirked before turning back round, adjusting his hold on the bottle so it was pointed in the direction of open space.

After a few seconds Shawn eventually pushed the top of the bottle of with a hard push of his thumb, resulting in a loud pop to erupt into the air.

As the mist poured out the top of champagne bottle we all instantly cheered, a massive grin on Shawn's face as he turned around to face us, holding the bottle up proudly in one hand.

"Finally, now let's pour ourselves some glasses and drink until we're on the floor!" Kyle beamed before running over to Shawn and snatching the bottle.

He then ran past Shawn and straight into the house, probably going into the kitchen to grab some glasses.

Looking at me Shawn let out a contagious laugh, his face contorted into a little confusion at what had just happened.

"Let me go help him, he has a habit of spilling anything that's liquid" Emily sighed before also walking back into the house.

Once she was out of eyeshot I focused my attention back onto Shawn to see a grin across his face, immediately making my lips match his.

"They're one strange couple" Shawn chuckled lowly as I walked towards him.

"Yeah, but they're both strange so it works" I smiled lightly as I slipped my arms around Shawn's torso.

"I'm so happy right now Elle" Shawn grinned warmly, faint dimples rising against his cheeks as his hands soothed down the small of my back.

"I can tell" I smiled brightly, my voice soft as Shawn's eyes drowned against mine.

"Getting to spend today with you is all I ever wished for" Shawn said causing me to laugh a little, a slight confused expression falling onto my face.

"You don't have very extravagant wishes Shawn" I laughed causing shawn to playfully roll his eyes.

"You're what I wished for on my twentieth birthday" Shawn grinned, his cheeks becoming a little red which only broadened my smile.

"What did you wish for exactly?" I asked as I moved my arms up so they were hooked gently around Shawn's neck.

"That I'd get to spend yet another birthday with you" Shawn grinned.

"I'll be at every birthday of yours, I promise" I smiled as Shawn's smile radiated with greater warmth.

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