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I Wanna Dance with Somebody by Whitney Houston
'I wanna dance with somebody,
with somebody who loves me'

8th August 2019

"Go on Eloise!" Kyle cheered with a bright smile as Shawn and I raced down a table of lined up shots, competing to see who could drink the most the quickest.

"Fuck" I heard Shawn squirm with a rough cough from the sour liquid as I lifted another shot to my lips.

Tipping my head back I let the liquid pour into my mouth as my face contorted up at the disgusting taste.

Squeezing my eye shut together I tried to suppress another cough before making a slight gaging noise.

"Are you okay?" Shawn asked as I opened my eyes to see him trying to bring himself to drink another shot.

"Are you?" I smirked, trying to hide my struggle.

Raising his eyebrows in response Shawn returned a sly smirk before tipping the shot into his mouth.

After what felt like a hundred more shots Shawn finally beat me, and much to my disgust he was completely thrilled about it.

"What can I say babe?" Shawn smirked smugly as the guys egged him on, shaking his shoulders vigorously.

Looking him dead in the eye I dropped my previous smile, folding my arms across my chest as I stood their pretending to be annoyed at him.

As I did I secretly watched in amusement as Shawn's whole face dropped into worry, his lips curling into a frown as his eyes both widened and softened at my unusual reaction to his comment.

"Elle?" Shawn asked softly as he reached across the table for my arm, a confused look in his eyes.

Turning my head away I bit harshly down on my lip as I tried to prevent myself from laughing, or even smiling, at how guillable Shawn was.

"Elle, hunny" I felt Shawn come up behind me as my head remained turned the opposite way.

Feeling my lips begin to pull up into a smile I decided to not look at him for now.

"It was just a game" Shawn whispered as I felt his hands either side of my shoulders, his thumbs gently soothing up and down my bare skin.

Managing to suppress my smile I eventually turned back around to my face was infront of Shawn's, the most serious and concerned look on his face which only gave me the urge to want to laugh more.

"Hunny" Shawn repeated before closing his eyes and leaning forward, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead.

I couldn't resist smiling at his touch. As Shawn lent back to look at me I watched his confused face and this time I let out a drunken laugh.

At first Shawn pulled his eyebrows together before faultlessly smiling into his cheeks.

"What?" He asked nervously.

"You're just so easy to wind up" I laughed causing Shawn to bite down on his lip as he shook his head a little.

"You're unbelievable" Shawn chuckled as he moved his hands down my arms until our fingers were intertwined together.

"Thank you" I grinned before reaching up and placing a kiss against his lips.

Shawn laughed through the kiss before I felt his hands let go of my and go to my waist. Unexpectedly I then felt Shawn grip onto me before lifting me up into the air.

Letting out a surprised squeal my lips fell of Shawn's as he followed it with an amused laugh.

As Shawn held me off the ground I held my arms around his neck before Shawn began walking us off from the guys.

"Are you going to put me down?" I laughed as I felt Shawn peck a kiss to the side of my neck.

"In a sec" Shawn grinned.

After a few seconds I then felt my heels connect back with the floor, Shawn's hands still on my waist as my arms remained wrapped gently around his neck.

"Let's dance" Shawn smiled softly as I looked up into his brown beaming eyes.

With perfect timing a slow song began playing throughout the room. As soon as it came on I watched as a wide smile grew onto Shawn's face, mine instantly matching his as we began to move to the song.

"Fault her further on. All her flaws were gone"



Standing at the side of the circled crowd I held my phone up at Shawn as I recorded everyone singing 'happy birthday' to him.

Shawn had a massive smile on his face as he laughed and drunkly pointed to people in the crowd now and again.

I couldn't stop smiling as I watched his happiness radiate throughout the room. As the somg drew to an end everyone erupted into cheers with an echoed of claps.

Shawn joined in as he clapped his hands together like a seal from how drunk he was. Laughing loudly at his clear intoxication I then watched as Shawn lent forward and blew the candles on his tiered cake.

"Thankyou everyone!" Shawn beamed as he lent back to look at everyone, holding his arms up in the air.

"Jesus, he's so drunk right now" Liam whispered from the side of me as I put my phone away.

"Wait till his mum tells him off in the morning" I laughed lightly as I looked up at Liam.

"Oh shit, I wouldn't want to be on the bad side of Mrs Mendes" Kyle added with a deep breath from the otherwise of me.

"I don't think anyone would" Liam then said.

Biting down on my lip I looked down to the ground as I tried to hide my smirk.



Dancing next to Heidi and Emily the whole room was full of people singing along to Whitney Houston's 'I wanna dance with somebody'. We were surrounded by a mixture of Shawn's family and friends, everyone darting between one another.

"I wanna feel the heat with somebody"

As everyone sung along I felt a pair of arms come around my waist before pulling me back until I was up against a hot chest.

Immediately smiling I knew it was Shawn as I lent my head back onto him. Feeling Shawn begin to sway us side to side with the beat of the music my smile turned into laughter as I felt his crotch rise onto the back of my dress.

"Shh" Shawn smirked into my ear as he lent his head on my shoulder.

Shawn then let go of me before taking me by the hand and spinning me around on my heel. Laughing at his subtle moves I spun into his chest as I rocked to one side of my heels, Shawn's hand holding securely onto my back so I wouldn't fall.

"Nice moves" Shawn chuckled to himself before grabbing my hand and once again spinning me out before spinning me back into his chest.

Laughing along with him I then looked to my side to see Liam dancing towards us, taking Heidi in his arm as he did.

"Oh I wanna dance with somebody!" Liam sung loudly as Shawn and I laughed at his enthusiastic state, Heidi playfully rolling her eyes from his side.

"I wanna feel the heat with somebody!" Shawn and I shouted back at him.

With each of us in our boyfriend's arms we continued to sing our hearts out to Whitney Houston and dance like there was no tomorrow. With each move Shawn kept one hand on me, moving it across my body with each twirl and spin he spun me into.

Each time our smiles would collide and our eyes would ignite in such a reassurance of love and lust for one another.

The calm before the storm... the love before the flames...

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