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7th April 2020

Standing up from having finished a hundred burpees my whole body was wrenched in sweat. Breathing heavy I  held my hands on the top of my head as my long curls stuck to my wet forehead.

It felt so good to be back at the gym again. I forgot about the rush you get when you workout.

Grabbing my water bottle out of my gym bag I gulped back a few sips before going over to the bench and sitting down for a couple minutes rest.

Pulling my phone out of the pocket of my shorts I unlocked it before going onto Elle's contact and calling her.

Holding the phone up to my ear it didn't take long for her to answer.

"Hello" Elle's precious voice echoed through the phone, immediately making me smile.

"Hey babe" I smiled, grabbing a towel out my bag and wiping my forehead.

"How's the workout going?" Elle asked as I heard banging in the background.

"Yeah it's going good. What are you doing?" I replied, lightly laughing as I continued to hear bangs and crashes.

"I'm trying to find that big white dish we have. I want to make a lasagne for dinner" Elle explained.

"Oh I think it's at my mum's. Remember, you bought a shepherd's pie to hers a few months ago?" I replied causing Elle to sigh in realisation.

"I'll pop by hers on the way home and get it" I offered.

"Thankyou, also could you be please pick up some more nappies for Halsten? We're nearly out" Elle asked.

"Yeah sure, anyway I should really get back to my workout. The sooner I finish the sooner I can get home to see you" I smiled into the phone.

"How much longer do you reckon you'll be?" Elle's delicate voice asked.

"Probably about an hour, if that" I replied as I began standing up and making my way over to the weights section of the gym.

"Okay well I'm probably going to try get a nap in while I can, Halsten is already asleep" Elle explained making me smile.

"I'll see you soon. Sleep well, I love you" I grinned, making a 'mwah' sound into the phone.

"I love you too" Elle laughed back before eventually ending the call.



Slowly waking up from my nap I could hear the faint cries of Halsten coming from the end of my bed.

Barely opening my eyes I looked down at the end of my bed to see shawn stood there peering into the crib.

"Does he need changing?" I asked, letting out a rough yawn as I rubbed my eyes so my vision wasn't so hazy.

Shawn didn't respond, making me a little confused. Pushing for duvet I then sat up as I fully opened my eyes.

"Shawn?" I called his name as his head hung long, staring into the cot.

Furrowing my eyebrows at how he was giving me no response he then began lifting his head up. As soon as I could see his whole face I instantly felt my heart in my throat.

Devoted S.M Where stories live. Discover now