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Find My Way Back by Eric Arjes
'No matter where we're going
I'll be by your side'

8th August 2019

With my fingers intertwined with Shawn's the two of us walked infront of Kyle and Emily as we made our way towards the front entrance of the venue.

"I'm absolutely starving" Shawn sighed as I felt his thumb rub softly over the top of my knuckles, brushing against my promise ring.

"Well just a few more minutes and you can look at the menu" I lied as I smiled up at Shawn's face while he remained looking forward.

"You know, I've never heard of this restaurant" Shawn scrunched his nose up a little before bringing his head down to look at me.

"That's because it's only just opened" I quickly lied with a faultless smile as he pulled his eyebrows together a little.

"Oh really? What did is use to be?" He asked as he looked back at the front of the venue, us now being much closer to the doors.

"Just some business" I shrugged.

"Looks pretty nice from out here" Shawn then smiled before beaming it down at me.

"Wait until you see the inside" I grinned causing his smile to curl into dorky dimples.

"Can't wait" He grinned before leaning down and puckering his lips against mine.

Pecking my lips back onto his we soon pulled away before Shawn released my hand and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me against his side. Resting my head on the side of his arm I then felt Shawn press a kiss to the top of my head.

Not long after we reached the main entrance of the venue. Moving out of Shawn's arm I pushed him forward a little towards the staircase which would lead us to the main floor.

"What?" Shawn laughed as he turned around to stop me from pushing him.

"It's your birthday, you go up first" I smiled.

"But I don't know where I'm going" Shawn rose his eyebrows, making me roll my eyes while a scoff fled from Kyle's lips.

"Just get your arse up those stairs, I want to eat already" Kyle groaned before taking my place and practically shoving Shawn up onto the first step.

Shawn followed with a laugh as he lumbered his way up the stairs, the rest up us behind him with each step.

Finally reaching the top of the stairs Shawn stopped movingbefore flipping back round to face to me, obviously waiting to know where to go next.

"The doors over there" I pointed, a nervous smile now playing along my lips.

Shawn just clueslesslynodded before turning back round and walking in the direction of the door.

Following closely behind him I quickly glanced behind me to see Kyle discreetly giving me a thumbs up. Giving him a right smile I then turned back forward before Shawn began pushing open the big black door.

As Shawn pushed open the door he held it open for me before taking ahold of my hand and dragging me into the pitch black room so I was by his side.

"I can't see a thing" Shawn chuckled as I felt his hand squeeze mine, the two of us not being able to see eachother at all.

"Are you sure you've got the right place?"

Before I could answer the room was filled up with light, a synchronizing cheer of 'surprise' erupting throughout the room.

Devoted S.M Where stories live. Discover now