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23rd August 2019

I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I finally walked out of the hospital doors to go home. Elle was walking infront of me, carrying all of my stuff from the last few weeks while my Dad walked beside me. He was pushing my wheelchair just in case I needed it.

"So how does my room look Elle?" I called out as we eventually reached my car.

"All clean and tidy, not that it'll stay like that for very much longer" Elle teased as she unlocked the car and opened the boot.

"Hey, I'm not that bad" I laughed in disbelief as she placed my bags in the boot, followed by my dad putting away my wheelchair.

"Yeah right Shawn, when you lived at home with us your room barely any had any floor left" my dad chuckled causing me to frown at him.

"That's not true" I shook my head, when infact it was true.

"It is Shawn, I saw it with my own eyes" Elle laughed causing me to playfully roll my eyes.

The three of us then hopped into the car, my dad and Elle infront as I took the middle back seat.

Soon we were on our way home, back to my home which I shared with Elle. I was just so excited to see where I had been living the last year half, to see where my life took me after college. I was just looking forward to a quiet night in, settling into my new home.

Eventually we pulled up outside of our house and immediately my eyes widened and my mouth dropped.

It was one of those typical houses you see in those family feel good movies. The ones with the freshly cut front lawns, white fences and large windows to let in as much sunlight as possible.

"Okay, but how did we afford this place?" I gasped, leaning forward inbetween my dad and Elle.

"You guys bought it with the inheritance money from your grandfather" my dad explained as I nodded in response.

I then quickly hopped out of the car before walking up onto the grass and staring up at the house. I couldn't believe that I lived here.

"Wait until you see the garden" Elle smiled from the side of me.

I gave her a big smiled before she took my hand and guided me to the front door, my dad following somewhere behind us.

Once Elle unlocked the door she pushed it open before taking me inside. I instantly looked around the hallway in awe, taking in every detail. As I looked at the lightly coloured walls I saw a series of photos hung up of Elle and I. Each one was of the two of us at a different place in the world, one in Paris, one in London and another in Toronto.

"We planned to visit 15 different places all across the world before our 30th birthday" Elle explained as I admired the photo of us standing infront of the Eiffel tower.

"And how many have we done so far?" I asked.

"Just the three, we have actually booked to go away to New York for Christmas" Elle answered causing me to smile.

"Always wanted to go there" I replied.

"I know" she lightly laughed before then guiding me straight pass the kitchen and into the living room.

Before I could even take a glance of the room Elle dragged me out into the garden and instantly I was deafened by everyone shouting 'surprise!'

I immediately squeezed Elle's hand tightly in shock as my other hand went up to my chest.

"Oh my god" I sighed, genuinely frightened out of my mind for a moment before looking around the garden to see all my closest friends and family.

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