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25th April 2021

I was finally on my way home from a very relaxing weekend away with the girls. I was currently sat on the train waiting to arrive back in Toronto.

Resting my head up against the window of the train I was watching 'I Am Not Okay With This' on my phone, with my ear phones in, to pass the time.

All us girls were pretty tired from the weekend, and I think that some of us have been quite possibly put off alcohol for a while.

After another half hour or so our train had finally pulled into Toronto's train station. Taking my earphones I then began standing up before moving into the aisle to get my suitcase out of the overhead carrier.

"I feel like shit" Heidi whined from behind me as an influx of people from our carriage began to make their way out of the train.

"That'll teach you for necking a whole bottle of processo" I laughed, following behind the rest of the girls to the way out.

"It wasn't a whole bottle" Heidi sighed, sounding more rough than she ever has after having a drink.

"Practically was" Emily agreed, also too hungover to function as she sluggishly walked infront of me.

Laughing in amusement at the state of the two of them we finally reached the doors of the train before stepping outside into the fresh warm air.

As soon as I stepped onto the platform station my eyes immediately began searching for Shawn. I was so eager and excited to see him. I didn't really just how much fun we had together until I had to be without him for a whole weekend.

Searching my eyes down the platform they finally found Shawn. He was already smiling widely at me, his dimples pressing his cheeks, as he smugly rested his hands in his jean pockets.

I don't know what it was about him but today he looked especially hot. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt which was tucked into a pair of black trousers with a black belt.

I mean it's Shawn, he always looks good, but today I found myself staring even more so at him. I mean I couldn't take my eyes off how hot he looked right now.

"Well are you going to come see me?" Shawn called out with a loud chuckle as I still remained stood where I was.

Giving him a big smile I felt my cheeks heat up a little before I began walking over to him, pulling my suitcase behind me.

As soon as I reached Shawn I rested my suitcase on the floor before looking up at him.

"I've missed you so much" Shawn softly smiled as one of his hands cupped the side of my face, while his other held firmly onto the back of my neck.

"I've missed you too" I grinned, making Shawn's smile grow wider.

Shawn then lent forward before softly attaching his lips onto mine. Closing my eyes I took my hands to his chest before gently holding onto the material of his shirt. Feeling Shawn's fingers tangle in my hair I couldn't help but smile into the kiss, contagiously making Shawn break into a grin too.



Now back home we were finally reunited back with our baby boy. Halsten had spent the weekend with Shawn's parents while we were away.

"And what sound does a pig make?" Shawn cooed down at Halsten as he sat on his lap, the two of them on the floor looking through am animal farm book.

Sitting on the sofa I couldn't help but laugh as Shawn began making pig noises, while Halsten just sat there staring at him with bewildered eyes.

"Laugh all you want, his first words are gonna be dada" Shawn smiled, raising his eyebrows at me.

"And how do you know that?" I smirked, closing the wedding plan book and putting it beside me on the sofa.

"Because he loves me more" Shawn teased, resulting in a scoff and eye roll from me.

"Let's test it then" I laughed before going to sit on the floor, a little further away from Shawn.

"Okay then" Shawn smirked, sending me a wink before placing Halsten on the floor, in the middle of where we were both sat.

"Okay Halsten, crawl to whoever you love more, Mummy or Daddy?" Shawn explained, his voice always so soft and sweet when he's speaking to Halsten.

The two of us then began trying to entice Halsten to crawl to us. Turning his head from Shawn and then to me all I could do was smile at his big blue eyes as they looked at us as if we were crazy.

Halsten then began crawling, not towards me or Shawn, but instead towards the book Shawn had been reading to him.

"Great, he loves the pig more" Shawn jokingly scoffed as Halsten's little hands began grasping at he book.

Shawn then scooped Halsten up in his arms before tiggling his tummy, resulting in precious giggles leaving Halsten's lips.

"I want another one" Shawn randomly said out of the blue as he now just held Halsten on his lap.

"What?" I asked, feeling a smile begin to pull at the corners of my lips.

"I want another baby" Shawn grinned warmly down at Halsten before beaming his hopeful eyes over at me.

"Really? Halsten only just turned one" I replied, making Shawn laugh lightly.

"I know, but we've always said how we wanted our children to be fairly close in age" Shawn explained.

"Okay" I smiled making Shawn's smile grow even bigger and wider.

"Really?" Shawn eagerly said.

"Ofcourse" I grinned, my heart warming at the idea of having another baby with Shawn.

All I ever wanted to do was to grow a family together.

The next chapter is going to be their wedding and it will probably be a two parter, possibly meaning this book will end very soon.

Just incase you're sad about this book coming to an end I am working on a new book to start posting after I finish this one. It is a teen fiction and it is not a fanfiction for Shawn. However, it will feature some recognisable people as the characters if you still like to have a face to the people you are reading about. Please let know if you'd be interested in reading it. If enough of you are I'll post an earlier teaser before release.

Please let me know your thoughts on this chapter!

Devoted S.M Where stories live. Discover now