Aiden Lane

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"H-Hey Annabeth," I say to Annabeth Chase, the prettiest, smartest girl at Franco High. Well besides, Shay Emerson, Margaret Red, Violet Anderson- well and pretty much any of the rich chicks.

" Hi. Aiden, right?" Annabeth says, closing her copy of War and Peace. Her curly blonde hair blows in the wind. We're at Central Park. Well, she was at Central Park. I was on my way to the library when I saw her and sort of followed her here. I'm not a stalker. I promise. (AN: Yea, right Aiden)

"Y-yep," I say. Stop stuttering,dude!!, I think to myself.  I push my glasses back up my nose. Clumsily, almost poking an eye out in the process.  

" So how are you?" she asks.

"Good. You?" I smile.

" Amazing, actually," she smiles. She begins tapping out a rhythm on her book. She looks around, as if searching for someone.

" Are you looking for someone?" I ask, silently praising myself for not stuttering.

" Yes, actually, my boyfriend is meeting me for dinner. He's out with some friends." she says happily.

" C-cool. How l-long have you known each other?" I stutter. Crud, crud, crud. " Well, we met at summer camp when we were 12 and started dating when we were 16. Well, actually our camp friends threw us in the lake and we had our first, okay second, kiss. So we've been dating for a year as of August 18th. We've been through a lot but I love him and-"

" You telling this guy our life story, Wise Girl?" says a male voice. Before, I knew what was happening Annabeth was kissing a guy with messy raven black hair and sea-green eyes. Annabeth laughs, her beautiful light hearted laugh. I hear myself let out a weird noise. Luckily, no one seems to have heard me.

" What took you so so long, seaweed brain?" she says. The guy slides onto the bench, an arm wrapped around Annabeth's shoulders.

"I ran into some... cheerleaders... on the way here," he says. Annabeth gasps and looks at him closely, almost as if inspecting every inch of him.

" Are you ok?" she asks, sounding genuinely scared.

" I'm fine, Annabeth," he says. The guy kisses her again.

" Are you sure, Percy?" she asks, pulling away. Percy nods. He turns to me, as if expecting something.

"Oh, Perce, this Aiden Lane, from school. Aiden, this is my boyfriend, Percy Jackson," she says. Now I have a photographic memory. And as soon as I heard that name, I jumped back in fear.

" You're the guy! On the news a few years ago! Annie, get back!" I shout. Percy has an annoyed look in his eyes but doesn't respond, except for trying to contain Annabeth's rage. He fails. Annabeth jumps up, a annoyed, angry look on her face.

" First of all, that is not who Percy is. It's a story made up by your stupid mortal news department made up to cover a heroic act. Okay? You will not pick on him. Second of all, do not call me Annie!" she shouts. Then before I can say another word, I'm lying on my back, the world dark at the edges of my vision. Then I hear a masculine laugh.

" Wow! So that's what it looks like when you judo-flip someone?"

" Yes..."

" Now don't look so confused! I'm always the one getting judo-flipped!"

A sweet laugh. 

" Now c'mon we have reservations!" I hear footsteps as they hurry away. I groan. I think I'm over Annabeth Chase. 

       Hi guys! I hoped you liked my first fanfiction ever! Yours in demigodishness and all that, Av, daughter of Athena

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