Remy Quint

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Dr. Raymond dismissed us, her cold voice ringing through the air. The second day of school and I already had picked out my least favorite professor.

"You are dismissed. Remember your homework for the weekend is pages 210 to 220." I quickly scooped my physics book into my messenger bag and slung it over my shoulder. I hurried out of the lecture hall where my best friend Mia Willenberg met me. Her brown hair with pink streaks was pulled into a ponytail and she was wearing a University of New York sweatshirt and jean shorts.

"You ready for biology?" Mia  smiled as we exited the building and hurried across campus.  The second day of school and I already had a favorite professor.

"Yep." We walked into building D and into the lecture hall, where he sat at his desk. All the girls and even some of the guys had crushes at him, even though he was in his late 20s and they were only 18. He was funny and charming and  intelligent. Mia and I took our seats at the bottom row of the lecture hall, as students filed in.

Once everyone had entered, Mr. Jackson stood up and crossed his arms, a wide smile on his face.

"Hello again. I'm surprised you all showed up for day 2."  A few people chuckled.

"Unfortunately, I'm going to dismiss you all a little early today. In about half an hour to be exact."

I raised an eyebrow and Mia tilted her head next to me.

"My wife and kids are coming to meet me here. Me teaching here is a big deal to my wife, so she wants to see the place and then we're heading to Long Island for the weekend. "

A few students sigh and mumbles fill the room.

"But until then, I will actually teach something. Well, not really. I'll give you the syllabus and this amazing form regarding the swim team tryouts, which I am the coach of. I guess while you guys look over that, I'll tell you about myself. Is that weird to do with college people? Students, I mean. I teach marine biology full-time at Jefferson High so.. I only teach this class here plus coach the swim team, but they needed another teacher and lucky enough I was qualified."

"What was I gonna give you guys again?" Mr. Jackson cut himself off and looked at the mass of students.

"Boy there's a lot of you," I heard him mumble under his breath. I hid a chuckle as Mr. Jackson remembered what he was handing out.

"Oh right. The syllabus. I'll pass that out now." He began passing out light blue pieces of paper along with with darker blue packets. He lay them on my desk and I began looking through them. The light blue paper was the try-out information for NYU's swim team and the dark blue packet was our syllabus.

People began to whisper and talk to each other as they flipped through their packets.Mia, was reading the packet, but I took the time to read out the swim team information.

A few seconds later Mia leaned over to me.

"He always allows retakes for grades under 80%. As if I didn't love this guy enough!"

I chuckled and began to flip through the packet as Mr. Jackson began to talk.

"A few interesting things in the syllabus, you can retake any quizzes and formatives if you have a grade under 80%. I have a class Quizlet that will have all of our words already on it and an online version of our textbook can be found on my google classroom. I'll pass out textbooks tomorrow. As for behavior in the classroom, I'm pretty lenient unless you are hurting someone else, physically or mentally or cheating on an exam. Just don't blow up anything." He was back at the front of the classroom and said something under his breath, which only Mia and I caught.

"Or kill us all on a field trip."

We both chuckled and he looked at us, surprised we were there. He smiled and turned back to the class.

"We have about 15 minutes until I let you go. So I guess I'll tell you about myself."

"Look." He grinned wildly.

"I never thought I'd be a teacher. I was that troubled kid who sat in the back of all his classes and was barely passing anything. I hated school and all my teachers. But sometimes you meet the best people at the right time."

"Enter Mr. Brunner-"

The second the name left his mouth the door of the lecture hall opened and two little boys came bounding in.

One had blonde hair and green eyes, and came running towards Mr. Jackson. He looked to be about 5 or 6. The other had black hair and grey eyes and waddled after the other. He looked to be 2 or 3 years old.

"Daddy!!" They screamed in unison. The older jumped into his dad's arms as the younger one approached the desk at the front of the lecture hall.

"Cayden! Wyatt!" A woman hurried through the door after the boys. She had blond curly hair that was tied back away from her face. She was wearing green capri pants, a white blouse and brown sandals. A small baby bump peeked out through her blouse.

"Hey, Cayden, buddy!" Mr. Jackson tickled his son.

"Daddy!" Cayden giggled.

"Wyatt Charles! No touching!" The woman hurried towards the younger one and picked him up, away from the stack of blue papers that had caught his attention.

"Wise girl," Mr. Jackson smiled at the woman, I assumed to be his wife. He kissed her on the cheek and then turned to the class.

"Sorry," his wife said, turning towards us.

"Look at Wyatt!" Mia whispered in my ear. The black-haired boy had shoved his face in his mom's shoulder shyly.

"Awww," I whispered back.

"Everyone! Looks like I'm dismissing you a little earlier than I thought!" Mr. Jackson said.

"This is my wife, Annabeth. And my sons, Cayden and Wyatt."

"Awwww," the class chorused. Mia and I laughed.

"Hi! Sorry, you have to deal with my seaweed brain of a husband as your bio, teacher!" Annabeth turned and smirked at her husband.

"That's mean," Mr. Jackson pouted. I laughed.

"Fine. He's very very smart. Just a little scatterbrained at times."

"That's better!" Mr. Jackson laughed, pecking his wife on the cheek.

"Well, everyone have an amazing weekend, and I'll see you on Monday!"

"Buh-bye!" waved Wyatt.

This is a thousand times worse than the original version of his but, it had to glitch and not save so that was sad. However, audition season is over, my school's production of Little Mermaid ends next week so I'll be able to get a Halloween special out. Please comment group costume ideas for the seven! I do have some ideas in the works for it, but I'm struggling a lot with costumes. Thank you all for 70k read btw! ♥️♥️


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