Death Headcanon

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The hospital room was freezing. The hospital room was white. A machine beeped continuously next to him. The machine beeped slower and slower, with every minute that passed. With every minute that passed, his body felt heavy. His body felt weighted.

His vision refused to work as he tried to observe the room, that felt new. That felt old. He knew others were there. He could hear their sobs. His vision would only focus on the pair of beautiful grey eyes in front of him. He could hear her voice. It felt weighted with pain. His body was weighted with pain.

"Percy..." she whispered. Her voice was not familiar. It used to be light and happy. Now it was quiet and sad. This room felt quiet and sad.

She grabbed his hand. Her wrinkled hand was warm and sweaty. His wrinkled hand was cold and dry.

"Percy..." she repeated, her voice so hard to hear. He stared at her and lifted his other hand. Slowly. It was heavy. And tiring. He lifted his hand. It was so difficult. He lifted his hand.

He laid his hand on her cheek. It was wet. She was crying. Crying so very hard. She was sad. He was sad. He brushed his thumb on her skin. Her skin was wrinkled. His thumb was wrinkled. She leaned into his hand. It felt heavy. It felt right. It felt perfect. His Annabeth.

"Wise girl..." he croaked.It was barely a whisper. His mouth was dry. Whispers are hard to hear. But she heard. She smiled. She cried.

"I love you," she whispered. More tears came. He lowered his hand. It was easy. It was light.

"Love..." he whispered, closing his eyes. It was easy. It was hard. He loved her.


This may be the best thing I have ever written. I am sobbing right now. I am so sorry I made you read that. Oh my god. I made myself sad. Oh my god


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