Kenzie York

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I used to be a normal girl. Living like everyone expects you to. But there's another world out there. A world beyond good grades and college credit, beyond art lessons and bullying. The world... it's full of real monsters. But also real love. 

"What is happening?" I scream, as my best friend Daryl grabs my hand. The giant dog bears his teeth and I duck just in time. My light brown hair begins to fall free of my ponytail, falling in front of my eyes. He ducks me behind a locker. The high school had cleared out for only 5 minutes when the monster attacked. The dog begins to howl behind us. Darryl locks eyes with me, his brown with my hazel. 

"Kenzie, listen to me," he says, his voice wavering. " We are going to run on the count of three." 

I nod, knowing I can beat this, that I will come out on top. 

"1, 2, 3," Darryl scream the last number and we sprint, managing to duck around the dog and out of  the door. We sprint down the street. 

"Not that far, not that far," he mutters. 

"Where are we going?"I ask. 

"Camp," Darryl says. He lets out a loud bleat, almost like a goat dying, and a taxi comes and gets us. Darryl gives the driver an address and we're off. 

"Darryl, where are we going?" I say, slapping his shoulder. 

"Somewhere safe," Darryl says, getting a flattened can and biting it. 

"Gross! What was that back there? You saw it right, the- the dog thingy!" 

"Hellhound. We need to get you to camp, they'll come for you," Darryl bleats. 


"Shouldn't have said that. I should not have said that." 

"Right here, good?" asks the driver, pulling to the side of the road. 

"Yeah." Darryl drops a collection of American money, gold coins and cough drops on the passenger seat and drags me away. The driver pulls away,  satisfied with his collection of goodies. 

"What is that?" I ask, pointing to the giant statue on the hill with the tree, dragon, and golden blanket. What kind of place is this? Also dragon? 

"Athena Parthenos, Thalia's Tree, Golden Fleece, and Peleus," Darryl says, dragging me towards the statue. 

"Wasn't that lost? Isn't that a myth? Aren't dragons fake?  Who's Thalia? What's happening?" I ask. Darryl leads me past the tree. 

"Percy? Annabeth? We have a newbie! Where are you?" Darryl yells. He turns around and...

"YAAAAAAA!"he bleats. I turn my head to see a couple having a conversation, one girl wringing her hands, and a guy kissing her forehead. Then he turns back to me.

"YAAAAAA!" he bleats again.( Darryl is my spirit animal) I look up in time to see a purplish  orb fading above my head

"All hail McKenzie, daughter of Nike," Darryl says. 


"PERCABETH!" Darryl screams. The couples turn their heads to me. They look to be about my age 16-17. The girl has a orange T-Shirt on with jean shorts and has curly blonde hair up in a ponytail. She has mysterious grey eyes. The guy, to put it simply, is hot. He has messy black hair and sea-green eyes. 

"Darryl! Don't alert the Aphrodite campers! Or the Stolls, I swear they're spying on us." says the guy.

"Oh, hi.. I'm Annabeth and this idiot here is Percy, my boyfriend. And you are?' smiles Annabeth, holding out a hand. I shake it awkwardly. 

"McKenzie York, apparent daughter of Nike? Call me Kenzie," I say. 

"Ah. So the Greek gods are real, if you didn't know. Including all the monsters from Greek mythology.... " Percy trails off, noticing my confused expression.

"Yea, it's a little weird at first and at second and-"

"Percy, there is no at second or at third as you were about to say. Maybe add a glance in their" Annabeth says, turning to her boyfriend. 


"NO!" Annabeth slaps his shoulder. Percy winces

"HEY! That's not fair!" Percy says, grabbing Annabeth by the hips. He picks her up bridal style. Annabeth starts laughing hysterically, and punching against his arms. 

"PERCY!" she laughs. Then she literally flips out of his arms in a motion I can't even describe.

"Whoa, wise girl!" Percy laughs. Annabeth smiles and turns to me. 

"I'll lead you to your cabin." I follow her as she leads me. 

"Okay,I have some questions. What was that?What is happening? And why is a shoe company my mother?"

Annabeth smiles. She explains the Greek and Roman gods are real and the monsters are real and my mom is Nike goddess of victory. I really don't see it. She answers a couple of my questions.

"Percy? He's your boyfriend?You guys are really cute together. How long have you been together?"

Annabeth eyes me  and says, " Little more than two years. We're engaged." She holds up a hand with a glittering ring. 

"Congratulations! How old are you guys?"

"18. We go to college in New Rome next week. Will be married in about two years," she adds after seeing my shocked expression. We come up to a cabin. 

"There are two other girls in there right now. You're sisters Holly and Laurel. I''ll see you at the campfire tonight Kenzie," Annabeth says. She walks away and waves to me. I wave back and walk into the cabin. Two identical girls are over in one corner having a dart match. I sneak behind them and grab a dart. I've always had good accuracy. It's one of the things I pride myself on along with grades, art, music, dan- yeah I can see Nike being my mother. I've always needed to be the best. 

Anyways, I aim and throw the dart, hitting the bulls eye of the bored. The girls turn to me. 

"Who are you?" asks one. 

"Hi. I'm you're new sister, McKenzie York. Also if this is magical training camp shouldn't we be practicing with arrows?"

Well that was awful. Sorry I haven't been as active lately. I've had a lot of homework and have musical rehearsals that have been going later. My updates will be a little bit more spaced for a little bit! 


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