Zaria Storm

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Character credits to: @thesword1 Thanks so much!!


I rest my chin in the palm of my hand at my lunch table, waiting. My long brown hair tickles my neck as I stare down at my food, not finding it appetizing at all. I play with the band of my watch and bracelet, and stare off into space.

"Hey Zar!" says my best friend, Annabeth, a demigod, sitting down next to me. She carries a lunchbox in her hand. Her blonde curls fall down to her shoulders and her grey eyes glitter.

"Hi, hero!!!Where are the lovebirds?" I chuckle, raising an eyebrow.

"Lost them in the hall. Started flirting. Again," Annabeth smirks. I laugh.

I look around the cafeteria to the sight of teenage love. A pink banner advertising tonights dance has been taped to a wall, right above a guy asking a girl to go steady. She replies happily, kissing him. Does she really want to? Or does he have a power to make anyone due want he wants? My thoughts have been crazy the past week. Every time I see anyone, I wonder.

"Sad about being single on Valentine's Day?" Annabeth says, tilting her head. I stick out my tongue.

"Ew. You know I don't date. Just thinking. You never know who could be a demigod," I say thoughtfully, opening a bag of chips. Annabeth rests her chin on her palm.

"You really should join the Hunters, Zar."

"And be immortal forever. No thanks." I pop a chip into my mouth just as the lovebirds arrive at the table. They both sit down, smiling bigger than anything in the world. Max put's his arm around Miles and plays with the ends of his  blonde hair.

"Hi, Zar! Annabeth! Why so sad? Happy Valentines Day!!" Miles says, laying his head on Max's shoulder.

"Why do you even celebrate this holiday? It was created by card and chocolate companies just to squeeze some money out of us before Easter!! It's a corporate scheme!" I rant. Annabeth hides her laughter by taking a bite of her sandwich.

"Well, that corporate scheme has brought a lot of love!" Max says, staring at Miles. Miles runs his hand down Max's arm. His pale skin standing out against Max's chocolate skin. Max kisses Miles. I turn to Annabeth and fake gag. She smiles. I turn back to the guys and can't help but grin. Even though, romantic love isn't my favorite thing in the world, Max and Miles are perfect for each other.

I turn my head and look around. My eyes land on the table of the popular girls, the two most popular of them all, Tracey and Millie, looking at our table disgusted.

I growl. "Look at Tracey and Millie. They make fun of everyone who isn't perfect, everyone who's human!! They make fun of everyone normal to elevate themselves to higher standards of popularity!! If I wasn't already on probation for punching them when they fat shamed Melissa Warring because it "felt right", I'd punch those two snobby bitches right in their fu-"

"Zar! Calm down! You're ranting!! Again!" Annabeth says. "But I get you." She takes a sip
of water.

"What if they're demigods?" I say. Annabeth turns her head and does a spit-take. She doubles over laughing. She slaps her knee as she chokes on their laughter.

"Millie as a demigod!!! Tracey wielding  a sword!!" she laughs. And laughs. And laughs. Finally, she calms down.

"Woo! Thank you for that wonderful thought Zar!" I wrinkle my brow.

"You're... welcome?"

"Annabeth? How are you handling Valentine's Day with your boyfriend, who saved the world, may add in ,New York, on the other side of the country?" Annabeth shrugs.

"I'm not going to lie. Being without Percy on a regular day is hard enough. But on Corporate Scheme of Love Day? Everything gets worse." Annabeth runs a hand through her hair. Then something happens. Music begins to play. Thousand Years by Christina Perri, fills the room. Probably another sappy Valentine's day present. Annabeth smiles, and listens to the music. She closes her eyes and takes in the first  verse.

The day we met,
Frozen I held my breath
Right from the start
I knew that I'd found a home for my heart
Beats fast
Colors and promises

I hear tables being moved to make way for something. Or someone.

How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone?
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

A tall guy approaches our table. He has black hair and sea green eyes. Percy Jackson! Hero of our world, and Annabeth's boyfriend.

"Happy Valentine's Day, wise girl." he says, tapping her shoulder

One step closer

Annabeth turns around. She seems to fall backward in shock. A smike appears on her face as tears come to her eyes. She stands up and wraps her arms around Percy, sobbing. He returns her embrace smiling, but still happy.

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you

"You came... you're here. 3 months is too long. Annabeth whispers. Percy kisses her.

For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
Time stands still
Beauty in all she is

I smile happily. Seeing the happiness on my friends face, make me light up. Miles and Max lean in close together. Romantic love has never made me this happy. Percy and Annabeth begin to rock to the beat of the music in each others embrace.

I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this

Percy twirls Annabeth, who giggles. They began to full on slow dance in the middle of the cafeteria. And everyone stays quiet. Watching, holding on to friends and significant others. I'm also pretty sure the lunch lady is crying.

One step closer
I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Max and Miles stand up. They lean into each other and begin to sway slowing to the music. More couples go out to the cleared area of the cafeteria and sway to the music in each other's embrace. Percy whispers something in Annabeth's ear.

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
I'll love you for a thousand more

Everyone is starting to sway to the music. Even more couples are up and dancing. Annabeth twirls Percy, who laughs, before returning to her embrace.

One step closer
I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Okay, now it's getting weird. Everyone who's not up and standing is swaying in their seats, including Tracey and Millie, who look pissed. The weird part is that, the lunch lady and the janitor are dancing and the lunch lady is a whole foot taller than him. Oh my gods, she just spinned him.

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

As the song ends, I can't help but, grin. Annabeth is leaning into Percy grinning bigger than I've ever seen. Max and Miles are mid-kiss and Tracey and Millie are pissed. What a wonderful Valentines Day.

Here's a late Valentines Day story that I wrote at one am! Again thanks to @thesword1 for the character idea!


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