Ellie Porter

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" He's never going to ask you out," says my best friend, Hailey, getting a book out of her locker.

" Whatever," I murmur dreamily, picturing Percy Jackson's gorgeous face.

" He has a girlfriend you know," says Hailey, slamming her locker and putting me out of my trance.

" She's fiction," I say, blatantly. Hailey sighs.

" C'mon, time for math. He'll be there," she says, adding that last part mostly to get me to come. I smile.

As soon as we get to math, people come to us talking about rumours of a new girl. Math's my first class of the day, and filled with the school's biggest gossips.

" I heard she's hot."

" I heard she has a boyfriend."

" I heard she's weird."

" I heard she-" Blah, blah, blah. I don't care. I only care for one person, the one who has just walked through the door in fact. He has windswept raven black hair, and sea-green eyes. He has muscles not to big or too small, just right. He has a lean complexion, due to being on the swim team. The boy's says he has many scars down his back and, we learned after he convulsed on the floor one day, he suffers from PTSD. He says it's due to a bus accident that, his girlfriend and him were in. They were the only survivors. I believe him. Well, apart from the girlfriend part. I stand and walk up to him.

" Hey, Percy," I say, twirling my brown hair.

" Huh? Oh, hi Ellie. Sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night," he says, tiredly sitting in a random seat. The class soon fills up leaving one empty chair-right next to Percy Jackson. Probably for the new girl. I'm about to get up and sit there when a girl barrels in through the door.

" Excuse me?" asks our teacher, Miss Franco.

" Hi. Am I late? Oh gods, I am. I'm Annabeth Chase, I'm new," she says. I look closely at the girl. She has on Grecian sandals, with tan capris and a camo tank top hidden partly by a blue jacket. Her hair is blond and curly and thrown carelessly into a high ponytail. Her eyes are unusual- they're a calculating grey and always are flashing around the room. Her eyes stop their flashing, landing on-on Percy Jackson, who's staring at the window, half asleep, tuning out the rest of the world.

" Oh crap," I mutter to myself. This girl is going to get to him before me.

" Okay, then, Annabeth. Have a seat right next to Mr. Jackson over there," says Miss Franco, pointing over to Percy. The girl nods happily. I curse under my breath. The girl walks over to her desk and lays down her books, before proceeding to Percy and clapping her hands over his eyes. Percy's body snaps up and his hand goes to his pocket instinctively.

" Who in the Hades are you?" he says, his voice wavering, but at the same time- steadily and brave.

" Guess, Seaweed Brain," says the girl, removing her hands from his eyes.

" Annabeth!" he yells. But not in annoyance or hatred. In surprise and-and happiness. He jumps from his desk and turns to the girl. Then the horrible happens. He grabs her waist and kisses her on the lips. He picks her up twirling her around.

" Oh, gods. What are you doing here?" he says, setting her on the ground, before kissing her again. She pulls away for enough time to say, " I moved into your place today. And now I go here," before Percy crushes his lips to hers in another rush of happiness.

" I think I'm going to be sick," I grumble, rushing out of the room. It's over. He's not mine. 

Hey guys! I hope you are enjoying these! They're really fun to write! Yours in demigodishness, Av. 

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