Lacey Cook

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I look at myself in the mirror in my blue bikini. I brush my bleached blond hair and put waterproof mascara and lipstick on. I throw on a white cover-up and smile, showing my teeth. I'm so excited. The hottest boy and captain of the swim team at school, Percy Jackson, with his sea-green eyes and messy raven black hair and abs, is having a beach party at this place in Montauk and I was invited. Squeeeeee! Well, the entire senior year was invited, but still, squeeee!(This paragraph was so hard to  write!)

Today is the day I will make Percy mine! I've asked him out before, 7 times actually, but he's always said no, making up that he has girlfriend, with blonde princess curls, unusual, calculating grey eyes, a Californian tan, and who never wears makeup. I mean, this girl sounds part goddess! ( You have no idea)She can't be real. I pick up my phone in it's black and white striped case and call my BFF, Amber Perry.

" Hey, Ambs. I'm ready. Can you get over here? ... alrighty, bye girl!" 5 long minutes later Amber rolls up in her red convertible. I grab my bag and phone and off I go to Montauk.

" Hey, Lace! I still can't believe your parents let you go to this thing!" Amber squeals, turning off my street. I open Twitter and start scrolling through.

" Yeah, me neither!" I squeal back. The next thing I know I roll up to a old looking house, the driveway filled with cars, A handwritten sign is stuck in the grass. Amber parks and we get out and read the sign. It says ' Percy's Party!' with an arrow to our left. Amber and I walk that way, around the house and to the beach. Tents are set up on the sand, loads of food and chair under them. The beach is crowded with people, 1 fourth eating, 1 fourth talking, 1 fourth swimming, and 1 fourth playing volleyball. I set my bag on an empty chair and take off the cover up and my sandals off. I put sunglasses on my head, and yell a quick 'see ya!' to Amber. Then I spot him. He has his shirt off and is playing volleyball. His swim trunks match his eyes.

" Hey Percy! Come take a break!" I yell to him, twirling my hair. Percy tosses the volleyball to Harold Gold and walks up to me.

" Hey! Glad you could make it! Lacey, right?" he asks, his crooked grin making me want to squeal. I grit my teeth.

" Yep, that's me!"

Percy smiles. Then I can't take it anymore. I kiss him. I make the biggest mistake of my life and kiss Percy Jackson, directly on the lips. He doesn't kiss me back. Instead, he grabs my shoulders and pushes me away. I stumble, almost falling down in the sand.

" What the Hades are you doing, Lacey? I have a girlfriend!" He looks at me, hatred shown in his face.

" No you don't, she's just some fake," I spit. I kiss him again, only to find myself lying face flat on the sand. I groan and stand up, slowly. A girl with princess blonde curls, thunderstorm eyes, and a Californian tan in a grey one piece stares at me.

" I'm pretty sure if I was fake you wouldn't be covered in sand. I'm Annabeth, that girlfriend you thought was made-up by the way," she growls. Than she throws her arms around Percy's neck and makes out with him, right there and then. The blonde pulls away and says, " I love you, Percy."

" I love you too, Annabeth. What the Hades are you doing here! You're not supposed to come up from California till Monday," he says, staring into her eyes. Her piercing grey eyes cool to steel.

" Chiron needed me for something so I thought, I'd come and surprise you, seaweed brain. Grover's brother told me where to find you." They kiss again. I clear my throat and they pull apart.

" What do you want?" glares Annabeth. Percy puts an arm protectively around her.

" How long have you guys been dating?" I ask, hoping for a week or two.

" A little more than a year and a half. We met while we were 12 though at summer camp," answers Percy. I growl and stomp off. Well, I guess this was a letdown. Ooh, hottie at ten o'clock! 

And here  you have your classic, popular  girl tries and fails to break apart Percabeth! I hate but love myself for writing this *shrug* -Av.

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