Danielle James

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I hate math class. I hate numbers and how they all have these rules. I hate percentages and algebra and angles and all that shit that doesn't really help with an aspiring artist. And of course that is where I am currently. Mr. Korug's Calculus class. Tapping my pencil on my desk as he drones on about derivatives. I tuck a strand of brown hair behind my ear, and look over my shoulder. 

Percy Jackson sits  behind me, his desk empty. He seems to have forgotten his math stuff, as  this class is right in the morning. If you go to Goode high school, you know who Percy Jackson is. He's not that popular, but could easily join the popular group. I'm proud to call the green eyed, black haired hottie my closest friend. He looks up and smiles at me. 

Here's the thing. My friend group consists of Violet Parker, Kaiden George, and Percy Jackson. And Violet and Kaiden, both think that Percy has a crush on me. I deny it saying that, he would never go for someone like me. But the truth is, I think he does. And I have a crush on him. I smile back at him and turn back to the board. I pretend to listen to Mr. Korug but, really am drawing a picture of Percy and I. 

I smile to myself  and draw large hearts with my pencil on my page of notes that make no sense whatsoever. The sound of footsteps begin to echo through the hall. They get louder and louder. 

Mr. Korug stops his lecture to acknowledge them. 

"Well, those are some heavy feet. Or one mad student," he chuckles. He's met with faces of annoyed teenagers.

"Okay. Tough room." More awkward silence. The footsteps continue to get louder. And then someone pound on our door. 

"Perseus Jackson!" shouts the voice of a girl. The entire room, turns to Percy, who shrinks back in his seat. 

The girl flings the door open. She has curly blonde hair and thundering grey eyes. She's wearing khaki shorts and a pink and white blouse.  A grey backpack and a brown satchel are on her shoulders.

"Percy, you ignorant kelp head! How, how on this gods damned Earth did you manage to leave your entire backpack at home! " She takes the backpack off and holds, it accusingly in the air. 

"All your stuff is in this backpack! Oh my gods, Percy, I haven't been this mad at you since you  disappeared into the Roman camp! And then before that, you being "dead" for two weeks and then turning up alive and well! I'm missing my favorite class for this. I hope your happy!" she yells at him. 

Percy stands up. "Wise girl!" he smiles weakly. I furrow my brow. Wise girl? Is this girl his sister?"Let's talk about this in the hallway." He stands up, ignoring, Mr. Korug's protests. As soon as they're gone, I raise my hand. 

"What, Danielle?" asks Mr. Korug, annoyed.

"May I use the restroom?" I need to see who this girl is. 

"Yes, you can, I guess," he answers. I hurriedly stand up and jog out the door. I spot a blonde ponytail around the corner. 

"Thanks for bringing my bag, Annabeth," comes Percy's voice. 

"I'm really mad Percy. I barely got any sleep last night and to have to miss my favorite class!" Annabeth yells. 

"You didn't get any sleep last night?" Percy sounds concerned. 

"Yeah, I didn't sleep that much. I-I had a really strange dream. Not the usual, we're back in hell kind of dream but," Annabeth took a shaky breath. " This is stupid. Why did that freak me out so much?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" 

"It's stupid. I didn't want you to get the wrong impression. Also, why do we have to talk about this here?! In your, school hallway of all places. I've got to go try and get to school before I miss not only Advanced Architecture, but math too." Annabeth takes a step forward, her ponytail now out of my view. I'm so confused. Is Annabeth his sister? Or his girlfriend? Please don't be his girlfriend.

"Annabeth? What happened in your dream? Tell me. I'm here for  you," Percy responded. 

"I told you. Something perfectly normal that for some reason freaked me out. Look I got-"

"What was it Annabeth? What freaked-"

Annabeth cuts him off, raising her voice slightly. ''We had kids, Percy. In my dream, we were in our 30's and had kids. When I woke up, it freaked me out. It's really stupid that it did, because  I want that with you. I love you and want a future with you. But, but what if it happens and I'm a terrible mom? What if the kid grows up in a world full of monsters and must battle them like we did? What if, it doesn't even get to happen because something happens to you? Look this is weird and stupid. We're literally in your high school talking about kids in your high school and we both have to get to class. "

"It's not stupid, Annabeth," I hear Percy say. My heart races. They're dating and in a really serious relationship. Why does my heart seem to be shattering as a smile comes to my face, genuinely happy that my best friend found love?

"Come here." I'm barely listening anymore, confused with my own emotions. Why do I feel sad and happy at the same time? Why are tears coming to my eyes as a smile rests on my lips?I turn around and head towards the bathroom, wanting to cry and cheer at the very same time. 

Thanks so much to @percabethnstuff for coming up with Danielle James's character! I really enjoyed writing this! The next chapter of one of my stories coming up should be The Jackson Four so look out for that also thank you for 20k reads! It really blows my mind


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