Frederick Chase: Part 3

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" Percy says that they're over by door C," says Annabeth. We're in the airport and trying to find Percy and his family. Annabeth keeps playing with her beads. She has bags under her eyes and she keeps on mumbling to herself. Last night, the screams weren't as bad. She still woke up in a cold sweat that morning though.

" Annabeth!" a voice sounds. Annabeth turns around. She lets go of her suitcase and breaks into a sprint. I don't see him until Annabeth jumps into his arms. He twirls her around before placing her down and dragging her into a long kiss. They something I can't hear. Another kiss. I grab Annabeth's suitcase. The twins, Helen, and I walk towards them. The entire airport is staring at the reunited couple. Two people who I assume to be Sally and Paul Blowfis, are walking towards them too. Percy cups her chin and stares into Annabeth's eyes for a second until he realizes everyone staring at them. He puts an arm around her, kisses the top of Annabeth's head, and smiles sheepishly. 

" Hey, Mr. Chase. Mrs. Chase," Percy says. I hold up a hand in greeting. 

" Sally!Paul!" Annabeth smiles, hugging Percy's mom and step-dad. 

" Annabeth," Sally smiles softly. " Good to see you." Annabeth returns to Percy's embrace, smiling like the Cheshire Cat. 

" Hi. Sally I presume?" I ask, reaching out to shake her hand. Sally nods, gritting her teeth. She reaches out and shakes my hand. 

" Frederick," nods Paul. 

" Alrighty, lets get going," states Percy. He takes Annabeth's suitcase from my hand. 

" After you, milady," Percy says, bowing awkwardly. Annabeth giggles. 

" As you wish, my lord,"  she chuckles. She surges forward, dragging Percy by the hand. Paul grabs a bag out of Helen's hands and follows the couple out the door. Helen leads the twins out of the door. Sally glares at me. 

" You hurt her, you know," she says. 

" What do you mean?" 

" She ran away because of you and your wife. When I asked if Annabeth wanted to live with us, after the Giant War, what did you think I wanted? I couldn't do anything worse than you did to hurt that amazing girl," Sally says. There it was again, the Giant War. Annabeth barely spoke of it. All I knew is that my daughter had been in two wars, before she turned 18. According to Chiron, when he spoke to me of this, she'd also been somewhere that close to no one had made it out alive. Percy, apparently went their too. 

" Does Percy wake up screaming and crying? Do you feel awful cause you can't help him? I couldn't send my daughter to you. The girl has nightmares," I state. 

" Percy has nightmares too. He wakes up, screaming for Annabeth. I feel awful cause I can't help him. But Annabeth can help him. Percy can help her. Do you know where they went over the summer?" Sally glares.  

" To war again." 

" No one told you? I guess I'll leave that up to Annabeth. Just consider it. Let her stay." Sally walks away leaving me in the middle of the airport. 

( Time skip to when they arrive at the apartment)

" Home sweet home," smiles Percy, unlocking the apartment. 

" What are the sleeping arrangements?" asks Helen. 

" Well, you and Frederick can sleep in the guest room, the boys on the couch and Annabeth..." 

" In Percy's room," Annabeth breaks in. 

" No, absolutely not." Annabeth fumed. Then I remember Sally's words. 

" Where were you this summer? Before the war," I state angrily. 

" Looking for Percy. And then... then..." Annabeth's voice trails off. She starts sobbing.

" You wouldn't understand. You think I'm a monster!" she cries out. She runs down the hall. 

" Annabeth!" Percy calls out. He runs after her. Sally glares at me again. She mouths, go see.  

I hurry down the hall after them. A door is opened by an inch. My daughters cries echo from the room. 

" Annabeth, it's ok. It's ok. We're together," Percy voice comes. I peek into the room. Percy's arms are wrapped around her. 

" I asked Chiron not to tell him. He wouldn't understand, Percy. Tar-" her sobs grow louder. I notice Percy is crying now too. 

" I made it worse by not telling him.  I-" Percy kisses her. Annabeth sobs into his chest. Percy cries silently over her shoulder. 

" You didn't make it worse. It's not your fault we went through Tar-"

" Perce, you don't have to say it," Annabeth's voice wavers. 

"Knowing him he's somehow listening," Percy's voice shakes. Tears fall down his face. 

" Tartarus."

And that wraps up Frederick Chase! I hope you enjoyed!- Av

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