Marcus Blofis

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I sigh from the passenger seat of my car as I stare at my phone screen.

"Marcus! Be a little more peppy!" yells my mom. My younger sister Alyson, giggles from the back.

"Why do we have to go to Uncle Paul's?" I groan. "His stepson's lame, he's lame, and his wife is lame."

"Because Sally  got home from the hospital with your new cousin, Estelle, a few days ago.Now hand over your phone." I groan and hand over the phone.

Stupid, I think. Maybe meeting a new cousin is cool, I guess. But when I met Sally's son at their wedding 3 years ago, the only though I had was lame. He looked really nervous, and kept glaring at Paul as if he expected him to grow into a monster or punch him or something.

"We're here!" smiles my mom, pulling into a car garage. I sigh as she pulls into a parking spot. Alyson, gets out of the back quickly and then throws open my door. I stand up and trip on a loose shoelace.

"Idiot!" smirks Alyson, with a flip of her brown hair. She's 9, she shouldn't be flipping her hair! I growl and quickly tie my shoe. We head to the building and my mom pushes the buzzer.

"Hi! Yes?" comes a young women's voice, through the static. I assume it's Sally. It doesn't sound like how I remember at the wedding but, the static could be clouding her voice.

"Um, yes. This is Brinley Blowfis, here to meet Estelle," my mom answers.

"Right, c'mon in!"  The door creaks open and we hurry in to Apartment 12B. My mom knocks on the door. Uncle Paul throws open the door and smiles.

"Brin!" he laughs, embracing my mom. Mom looks taken aback but, returns the hug.

"Hey Paul," she smiles, pulling away.

"Marcus! Alyson!" Paul smiles, giving each of us a high-five.

"Come on in!" he says, gesturing us in. He leads us into the living room. A blond girl sits holding a bundle on the couch. She looks way too young to be Sally. Well, and hot. Please don't be Sally's daughter, I think.

"Annabeth!" Paul smiles.

"Hey!" the girl smiles.

"Where's Sally?" asks my mom, putting her purse on the floor.

"Taking a nap, she's exhausted," Paul says.

"I'd imagine. Who's this?" my mom says.

"My stepson's girlfriend, Annabeth Chase." Paul nods. A knock sounds from the door.

"I can't open the door! Too much Chinese!" a voice sounds. Annabeth chuckles and stands up. She hands the bundle, I assume is Estelle to Paul. We head over to the couch.

"Speaking of the devil," Annabeth smirks. She opens the door. A gut hurries forwards,  holding four bags of Chinese food and a box.

"Breaking,breaking,breaking..." he whisper-shouts as he hurries into the kitchen. Annabeth laughs,shaking her head, and closes the door. Then she heads into the kitchen after him.

"Brin,Marcus, Aly, come say hello , to Estelle, named after Sally's late mother." Paul hands her off to Mom. We crowd around her. Estelle yawns, wiggling in her blankets. She has dark brown hair. A small smile appears on her face as she opens her eyes, revealing they are a shade of blue. She giggles, and Mom bounces her. She looks at Mom and whimpers. She bursts out crying.

"Shhh, it's fine!" Mom says, cradling her.

"Mommy's in the other room Stella, this is Auntie Brin," says Paul. Mom eyes him.

"She probably thought you were Sally, and when you weren't.."

Estelle's cries out again. Percy runs out through the kitchen, pen in hand.

"Is she okay?" he yells, brandishing the pen. We all eye him like he's crazy. I cover up a laugh.

"Oh, hey Brin. Marcus. Ally. Is Stella okay?" he says awkwardly, putting his pen away.

"Yes, Percy," Paul says, like he's tired of the phrase. (Protective Percy)

"Umm, Chinese, is ready," comes Annabeth's voice as she comes out the kitchen, holding a box. She kisses Percy on the cheek and hands him the box.

"I got Estelle a gift when I was out," he smiles, opening the box. He takes a stuffed starfish out of the box. Ally giggles and pokes at Estelle. I smile.

He walks over to Mom and takes Estelle out of her arms. He hands her the toy and she giggles, before going to sleep. He chuckles. I sigh and look at Annabeth. She's really hot, but obviously taken. Should I flirt with her?

Annabeth comes up behind Percy and kisses his cheek.She whispers something in his ear. He laughs, and then looks at her. He kisses her on the lips. 

"I love you," he says, to her. Estelle whimpers. 

"I love you too, Stella," he chuckles. 

That question; has already been answered.

Hi, this I thought I posted earlier but, obviously didn't. Anyways this is really, bad and in other news, I'm seeing Hamilton Chicago tomorow!!


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