Annalise James

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" Annabeth! Please!" I beg my best friend. My parents are letting me have a slumber party and I'm trying to get Annabeth Chase to come to it. For some reason my friend won't agree to come. 

I met Annabeth and my other friend, Piper McLean ( related to the movie star Tristan McLean by the way) on the first day of school, when I nearly ran them over. Annabeth and Piper have been my best friends since that day. Piper has already agreed to come and is standing silently and watching as I ask Annabeth. 

" Annabeth, can I talk to you for a second?" she finally breaks in. 

"Sure," replies Annabeth, her grey eyes wavering. Piper grabs Annabeth by the sleeve of her jacket,pulls her a few feet away,  and they have a hushed conversation. I play with a few strands of my strawberry blonde hair as I wait. Piper's eyes seem to turn a dark grey as she talks to Annabeth. Piper's eyes, unlike my plain brown eyes, seem to change color from green to blue and from brown to grey almost instantly. 

" Ok, Annalise, I'll come to the party," comes Annabeth's voice. She blows a strand of blonde hair out of her face. 

" Yay!" I smile, giving her a quick hug. Just then, my phone beeps. 

" It's my mom. See you guys tonight!" I say, hurrying into my car. 

( This a time skip to the start of the sleepover named Bob. In no way is this time skip related to Bob the zit or Bob the Titan) 

My doorbell rings and I hurry to open the door. There stands my friends, each carrying a pillow and a backpack. 

" Hey, Annalise," smiles Annabeth, almost weakly. Piper gives me a quick hug and I lead them to the den, where we'll be sleeping. 

" Holy Hades," laughs Piper. The den is basically a giant TV, an Xbox, a wall of board games, and a table of snacks. 

" Ok, so now I have to beat you in Monopoly," Annabeth says, this time a genuine smile on her face. 

" Your on!" About halfway through the game, I'm out and it's just Piper versus Annabeth. I sit down with a bowl of popcorn and watch, amused. Piper keeps on saying stuff like" You don't want to buy that," and " Isn't the rent actually $6?" Annabeth agrees with her for a second and then yells at her. A few minutes later and Annabeth has won. 

" Ok, now it's time for a sleepover classic, truth or dare!" I exclaim, passing the bowl of popcorn to Annabeth. Piper and Annabeth exchange a look. They seem to have a silent conversation before collapsing on the couch. 

" Ok, Annalise, truth or dare?' asks Piper. 

" Dare!" I smile mischievously. 

" Ummmm.... climb your neighbors fence," says Piper. A few seconds later, I come back soaked in water. 

" What the Hades happened to you?" laughs Annabeth. 

" Mrs. Peterson is very protective of her petunias," I laugh, drying myself off. 

" Kay, Piper, truth or dare," I asked. Piper bites her lip for a second before replying truth. 

" What's the weirdest thing you've ever said?" Annabeth starts laughing. 

" Oh gods, what do you choose Pipes?" she laughs.

" Nice, sleepy cage. Now Annabeth-" I interrupt her with another round of laughter.  A few more rounds and a few failed attempts to learn more about my friends, we decide to watch,The Hunger Games. (This next part may include spoilers for the Hunger Games) Piper and Annabeth are strange people to watch a movie with. They laugh at the weirdest things, and cry at every death. They're crying their eyes out at Rue's death, while I'm just shedding a few tears. When it comes to the berry scene, Annabeth starts sobbing and Piper has to comfort her. I paus the movie. 

" It's so much like..." 

" I know," whispers Piper in comfort. 

" He could've...." 

" Shh...." 

" Is she..." I begin. Piper glares at me, causing my voice to falter. 

" She'll be fine. Press play," Piper says. I hit the play button and as we watch the rest of the movie, Annabeth seems to relax. 

" You guys want to watch Catching Fire?" I ask. Piper looks at Annabeth. Her face is still wet with tears but she nods. 

" Alright. Annalise, you get it started. I'm gonna go use the bathroom," says Piper. Piper walks down the hall. I press play on Catching Fire. As the movies starts, I notice Annabeth has fallen asleep. Not even 3 minutes into the movie, Annabeth starts screaming. I intermediately hit pause, and stand up to check on her. 

" NOOO!" she yells, with more fear than I ever thought was possibly. She's swinging at the air like it did something to offend her. Piper runs into the room. 

" Oh gods, Annalise, did she take a pill before she fell asleep?" 

" No," I whisper. I stare at my friend. Hoarse screams are echoing through the air as she continues to swing at nothing. 

" Luke! PERCY! NO!" The words are so filled with emotion. Piper picks up her strange phone, clicks the emergency button. She immediately clicks 3 and raises the phone to her ear.  

" C'mon, Perce" she mutters. Noises sound feebly from the other end. 

" Percy, come quick, Annabeth didn't take her pill.... yes that address," Piper is silent for a minute, before lowering her phone. 

"Annalise, go tell your parents everything is fine, and then go wait by the door for Percy," Piper says. I nod. 

" Annabeth, it's fine. Everything's fine. Wake up," Piper says in a soothing tune. Annabeth responds to Pipers words by screaming again. I nod , believing everything  is ok. As I turn to leave, I hear Piper mutter, " Why can't it get you out?" I hurry into the hall, running into my parents. 

" Anna, is everything alright?" asks my Dad. 

"Everything's fine. Annabeth is having a nightmare. Piper's on it," I say. My parents stare at me as more screams echo through the house. 

" Are you sure?" asks my mom. I nod, not believing it myself.  My parents reluctantly turn and head back to my room. I wait by the front door, not even for a minute until I hear a loud bark. I throw the door open. A guy with raven black hair and green eyes is hurrying to the door. 

" Annalise?" he asks.

" Yes," I say. He pushes past me towards the direction of the screams. I follow him.  Annabeth is kicking at the air, and Piper is standing next to her. As soon as she sees the guy, a sad smile appears on her face. The guy falls to his knees next to Annabeth. He grabs a shaking arm with each hand and kisses her forehead. 

" Annabeth, we're out. We're alive. I'm alive. We're out," the guy says. Annabeth's eyes fly open. She starts sobbing as the guy  cradles her gentle. There are tears pouring down his cheeks. 

" Luke-Tartarus-you-dead," Annabeth cries out in between sobs. 

" Don't explain. You don't have to explain," the guy mumbles. I turn to Piper. She's looking at the two, with a look of grief. When I turn back to the two, they're kissing. I somehow manage a weak smile. They were clearly in love. 

" Percy, do you need to stay?" Piper says. The guy, Percy, pulls away from Annabeth and nods. I notice the broken look in his eyes, and the tears still flowing down his face. I notice the scars on his body, and the way he holds Annabeth tightly, like she might vanish is he let go. Suddenly, all the worry I have for my friend, fades and grows at the same time. Annabeth kisses Percy tenderly on the lips and whispers, " I love you." Percy looks into her broken eyes with his. 

" I love you too Annabeth." 

Ah, ok, I know so much Percabeth fluff. But I love that so here's this. Frederick Chase Part 3 will be coming out tomorrow so stay tuned!- Av

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