Tara Harold

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I take a deep breath and get out of my car, my husband Jack, comes out with me. He clutches my hand. I have been invited to my boss, Annabeth Jackson's home. That's right. Annabeth Jackson, owner and head architect of Olympus Architecture. I've worked at the company for a year and was invited over to Annabeth's house. Annabeth created the company when she was 22, 8 years ago. The woman is a legend!

Anyways, I tuck a strand of my black hair out of my face and walk up to the Greek styled mansion. I ring the doorbell. A few seconds later, a little girl opens the door. She has light chocolate skin, black hair in curly ringlets, and dark eyes. She can't be more than 5.

" Hwello. Are woo Tara?" she whispers. She's clutching a dog stuffed animal in her hand. 

" Uh, yes. Do you live here?" Iask. 

" No. Dis is Auntie Annbef's house," she smiles.  Jack smiles at the little girl. Just then Annabeth walks into the room. She's holding a little baby about 5 months old. He has the same dark eyes and chocolate skin as the girl but short cinnamon hair instead. 

" Hi Tara. Sorry my babysitters got called in to work. So now I have to watch six kids instead of none," she smiles. Jack starts to say something, but I elbow him. The baby starts to cry. 

" Shhh, Dillon, shh." Just then two boys run down the stairs. One has blonde hair and green eyes and the other has black hair and grey eyes.

"Cayden Luke! Wyatt Charles! Calm down we have company!" Annabeth yells. The boys stop in their tracks. Cayden, the one with blonde hair, appears to be about 8 and Wyatt, seems to be around 5.

"Who are they?" Wyatt asks.

" This is my coworker Tara and her husband-"

"Jack." Wyatt eyes us both but walks up to the little girl.

"Emily, do you want to play Mythomagic?" he asks. The little girl, Emily, nods.


Cayden nods. "Only if I can have Grandpa's figure." Annabeth's eyes go wide. She laughs nervously.

"Alright then, boys. Be nice to Emily," she says. They run off.

"Grandpa?" I ask.

"Oh uhh one of the mythomagic figurines looks like my husbands dad. It's kind of a running joke," Annabeth says. Jack's mouth goes wide. Then a man walks into the room. He's holding a toddler by the hand. The man has black hair like Wyatt's and sea green eyes like Cayden's. The little girl looks like a toddler version Annabeth with green eyes instead of grey.

"Hey Annabeth! This must be Tara and her husband," The man kisses Annabeth.

"Mommy and Daddy K-I-S" laughs the little girl.

"Sophia!!!" laughs the man. He swoops down and picks her up. Sophia smiles a grin identical to Percy's.

"Tara and Jack, this is my husband Percy and my daughter Sophia. Dillon and Emily are our friends kids. And Cayden and Wyatt are also ours. We have another daughter, Marissa, Sophia's fraternal twin. Percy, where's Marissa?" Percy's eyes go wide.

"Outside. We were swimming a little bit ago. I'll go get her," he says. He runs off.

"Sophia, go find your brothers. Tara and Jack make yourselves at home. Dinner's in the oven. I'm going to put Dillon down," Annabeth smiles. She hurries up the stairs.

"Big family," Jack smiles. I laugh.

"I know and she's only 30." We walk into the living room. Emily is playing with a figurine decked out in armor. Cayden and Wyatt are playing the game nearby. Sophia picks up the figurine of Athena, I believe. She laughs and toddles over to Emily.

" Go north!!!!" laughs Emily. She picks up a figurine covered in dark clothes.

"Vree Thanostatoes!"

"Grandmother!" chuckles Sophia. She lifts the figurine in the air and pretends it's flying.

"Strange family," I smile. Jack nods. He smiles.

"Who would've thought..." he mutters.


"Never mind." Just then Percy walks in, a little curl with crazy black curls and greenish grey eyes, bounding in front of him. Annabeth walks in the room at the same time. Percy smiles at her.

"I'll be the entertainer so you can talk with Tara, wise girl." he walks up to her and wraps his arms around her.

"You make a great entertainer, seaweed brain." Percy smiles.

"Vree Thanostatoes!" shouts Emily.

"Oh gods," chuckles Percy. He hurries over to them. Annabeth sits on the couch next to me.

"So Tara. I want to offer you a promotion," Annabeth says. "I need a CEO since my old one quit. Would you be up for it?" 

"Up for it, of course, I'm up for it!" 


" I am the great Perseus Jackson! You shall fear me!Let's fight stuff!" yells Annabeth's husband. 

" PERCY!" she laughed. Jack laughed. Annabeth looked at him. She mouthed the words, are you? I glance at Jack. He holds up his hand with his strange tattoo, with the letters SPQR, a hammer crossed with a spear, and 10 lines. She nods her head towards me. I furrow my brow. He shakes his head. 

" Ok, so Tara. I have some paperwork for you-" The oven timer rings. 

" I'll give it to you in a little bit, Percy stop hitting the Queen of the Heavens on the head, it's time for dinner." 

That is how I met the Jackson family. 

So this is probably one of my favorite things I've ever written. -Av

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