Cayden Jackson

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I woke up to a sudden bright light. I groaned and squinted.

"Mom?" I yawned, covering my face with the covers.

"Up and at 'em, birthday boy!" My mom's voice called. She had opened the curtains and blinded me as my birthday wake up.

"What time is it?" I asked, slowly retreating out of my cave of covers.

"Almost 9. We're going to breakfast soon."

"Give me a minute." I slowly sat up in bed and my mom smiled at me.

"You really do take after your father." She laughed. She picked up a pillow from the floor and walked up towards me. She put the pillow on the bed and then leaned over and kissed my blonde hair.

"Happy Birthday, bud."

"Thanks, Mom." I could tell Mom was feeling sappy and before she could go on ranting about how it's crazy she has a 12 year old son, I stood up and headed for my closet.

"I'll let you get dressed. Maybe Dad'll be ready by then too." She left the room and I laughed. I quickly threw on jeans and a T-Shirt, yawning the entire time I got dressed. I finally left my room and almost ran into Dad doing the same.

"Happy Birthday!" Dad said, after realizing I was the child he had run in to. He gave me a big bear hug.

"I can't believe your twelve," he smiled widely. His sea green eyes met my own and I swear he almost started crying. I noted the way his voice  wavered and hugged him again.

"I can't either."

Okay, before we continue, I need to tell you something. My parents aren't usually this sappy and we usually don't go this fancy on my birthday. My birthday's in January so it's not like we can do that much.

But this year felt different. Mom and Dad were taking us to breakfast and then bowling, according to the lay down Mom had said last night. Sophia and Marissa were very annoyed. There birthday was in November and they felt like they hadn't had this big of a celebration.

Wyatt couldn't care less. Though, he's pretty much the black sheep of my siblings and I, so whatever we're weirded out by, he treats like its normal.

Also, woah, my younger siblings. You've already met my mom and dad and you don't want to know that much more about them. They're so boring. Teacher and CEO yada yada. But my siblings. That's a different story.

Wyatt is first. He has dad's dark hair but mom's grey eyes. He is a ginormous bookworm and is the smartest person ever. He is very strategic and the most calm person ever.

Then the twins, Sophia and Marissa. Sophia is basically my mother just younger. They look the same, they act the same. She's way more impulsive than my mom and very mischievous however. Marissa has the curliest dark hair ever and grey-green eyes. She's outgoing and hyper and the best at talking back to people,

Anyways back to breakfast. I hurried out into the living room, Dad on my tail. Sophia and Marissa were finishing up a game of Mario Kart and Wyatt was reading as Mom tried to get his attention.

"Jacksons! Get moving!" she yelled, waving her hand in front of Wyatt's face.

"Mom!" he groaned. Just then Sophia jumped up from the couch and cheered as Marissa crossed her arms angrily. From the looks of it, Sophia had won and Marissa was not happy about it. Dad walked up and turned of the Valdeshizzle.

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