Alria Keys: Part 2

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We finally catch up to Percy and Annabeth at the lake after what has seemed like years of running.

Annabeth is at the edge of the lake laughing and Percy is no where in sight.

"Where'd he go?" I ask, putting a hand on my hip.

"He's a son of Poseidon. Take a wild guess." Annabeth adjusts the beads of her camp necklace and looks out on the lake.

Thalia laughs. "I'm gonna go out to the mess hall and get some food. Phoenix Alvarez cannot cook. Be right back." She jogs away leaving me with a girl I barely know. Her leaving may make this situation seem awkward for me, but its for a good reason. My stomach is rumbling even after that disgusting bowl of cereal. Bleh.

"So, are you in school?" I ask. Nice small talk, get to know her and MAKE SMALL TALK, I think.

"No. Percy and I graduated last week we'll be going to college in New Rome in fall though."

"Sweet. What are you majoring in?

"Architecture. Percy in education."

"Huh. In the short amount of time I've known the guy, I would never had viewed him as a teacher."

Annabeth chuckles. "Yeah. I never would have imagined him in a classroom. But, he wants to be a mentor yadayada. We had a long conversation about it." I smile as an awkward blanket of silence covers the area. Annabeth bites her lip and leans to look out over the lake.

"Gods, where is that seaweed brain?"

"I'm sure he's fine. Son of Poseidon and all."

"Yeah, I know. But I have separation anxiety." Annabeth sits down on the bank and looks over the water.

I sit down next to her and try and fill the silence with my life's story.

"So I'm basically like 79 years old or something crazy, but I've stopped keeping track."

"That's cool, Alria." Annabeth says, her voice monotone. She looks over the water and it begins to ripple. A small smile graces her face as Percy Jackson bursts from the water, his lips meeting hers.

Annabeth leans back and Percy falls onto the bank.

"Well that was really freaking adorable," comes Thalia's voice from behind us. She's holding some apples and bananas. I laugh as she tosses me a banana.

"Percy!" Annabeth shouts. She's dripping wet and the son of Poseidon is spotless and dry.

"Whoops," he laughs. Annabeth grumbles at him.

"Dry me off, seaweed brain!" she shouts, tackling him.

"Fine, wise girl!" he laughs. In a split second, Annabeth is dry and a large water drop is in the sky. Percy lets it fall into the lake, and it splashes all over Thalia and I, but Annabeth and Percy are left dry,

"Kelp head..." Thalia grumbles.

"Oops," Percy whispers, chuckling as he runs a hand through his hair.

He stands up and takes off running into the forest. Thalia drops the fruit and takes off after him cursing and calling him names.

I laugh. Even though I only met them today, I can for sure say, Percy and Annabeth definitely live up to their legend.

Hi everyone! This one is really short but, I just wanted to clear up some loose ends that were in the previous chapter. This is pretty short but, now since school is out for the summer, I'll be posting more frequently and with longer chapters. Thank you all and I love you so much!!


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