Michael Wilson

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This is more of a meet Annabeth but, what the heck. I live for this.

I walked into the marble floored building of Fontana Architecture. It was raining hard outside, on the verge of the storm. I held up my ID to the security guard and he nodded.

"Have a good day, Mr. Wilson," he said. I ignored his response and approached the elevator. I ran a hand through my balding hair. 50 had not been treating me well. After a few minutes of waiting, the elevator doors open and I stepped into the elevator, hitting the button for the 40th floor.

The door closed and the elevator began to climb stories.

At floor 34, the doors opened and a woman entered. She had blonde curly hair that was loose around her shoulders. She was wearing nude heels, black dress pants, and a grey suit coat over a white shirt. A bag was slung over her shoulder. She looked at the buttons, didn't press any and began to look around the elevator, her grey eyes flicking around.

"What floor are you heading to?" I asked.

"40 to meet with Mr. Wilson. It's my first day on the job. I'm the new assistant project manager," she said, bending down to adjust her heel.

I briefly remembered telling my project manager to hire an assistant or be fired for his lack of work being completed.

"I happen to be, Mr. Wilson. And you are?" I said, holding out a hand to shake hers.

She held out her hand and returned the shake. "Annabeth Jackson."

I held her hand for a second longer before she pulled away.

"Your boss is Enrique, correct Miss Jackson?" I asked, as the elevator stopped it's climbing.

"Correct, and it's Mrs. Jackson, sir," she corrected, as the elevator doors opened.

"Your married? How old are you, Miss Jackson? Follow me to my office, dear," We walked out of the elevator, and Annabeth trailed after me, uncomfortably looking around.

"I'm 23," she answered, gritting her teeth. I led her to my office and she sat down in front of my desk. I closed the door and stood next to her. Rain pounded on my windows as the storm got worse.

"Why has Mr. Gomez sent you up, Miss Jackson?"

"So I could met you, Mr, CEO, and learn more about my responsibilities and why I was hired," Annabeth answered, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"Ah, yes," I smiled, resting a hand on her shoulder. She flicked my hand off and a steely growl came from her throat.

"I can assure you, your role as APM, will be very minimal work. For a wife like yourself, I'm sure a small workload will be nice. You will get Mr. Gomez his coffee and serve as his secretary," I said.

"Enrique, who is my boss may I remind you, ensured in my interview that I would be very hands on in the project managing part of this position. Otherwise I never would have taken the job," Annabeth replied.

"May I remind you, honey, I am Enrique's boss and he does as I say." She looked at me angrily, and then her phone started to ring.

"Excuse me, sweetie," she said, sarcastically and then picked up the call.

"Hey seaweed brain...Horrible. Is Cayden okay? I hear crying...Percy! Ignore my issues. Now Cayden....Oh poor baby...I don't know either, Percy. Maybe try to get him to go to sleep...Percy, don't worry about it...Love you too... Bye seaweed brain." She hung up the phone and put it away.

"You have a son?" I asked.

"Yes, I have a son. I don't have a job though. I quit," she said.

"You quit? C'mon, sweetie, you just being emotional!"I exclaim, flabbergasted and resting a hand on her shoulder again. She stand up quickly, pulling my hand away.

"I'm not going to sit here and be forced to do a job I didn't accept. I'm not going to stay here and be called honey and sweetie and have the CEO call me emotional. So I quit. I'll just start my own firm. See you in five years, when you're begging to buy it. Goodbye, Mr. Wilson," She smiled and walked out of my office.

—————————Five years later———————

Fontana Architecture had been loosing business. And the source of that loss, was Olympus Architecture, a company that had been open for four to five years. We had some money though, and just had to hope their CEOs (yes they are so successful they have two) would accept. I had my assistant book an appointment with the head CEO to discuss the idea of buying their company. I don't even know his name, but I already know this CEO has to be a genius to grow a company to such a size in a few years.

I entered the elevator and went up to floor 45 and entered the biggest office that read CEOs in a large bold font. I didn't read the two names that were under it. I knocked and a voice responded with, "Come in." I opened the door and was faced with a familiar face.

Annabeth Jackson sat at the desk, her eyes steely and her mouth in a smile.

"Wh-H-huh?" I managed to say.

"Told you so," she smirked.

I actually really love this. Well, I love Annabeth so why wouldn't I love her showing up a sexist jerk. And if it isn't clear, Annabeth does not sell her company. Why would she?


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