thank you

4.9K 53 30

hi everyone! it's been a while. 2020 has basically ransacked my mental health so I totally forgot about the... drumroll please... two year anniversary of this story!!!

the stats this story has utterly impress me. almost 200k reads over 2k votes! it's just insane!

before I go into detail i want to apologize for both the grammar and spelling on this chapter, typing on my phone in a car isn't the best arrangement.

the fact that this has grown so much in two years is insane and amazing. i literally can't believe so many of you are excited to read my dumb stories and keep on doing so.

every compliment you guys leave in the comments makes me want to keep writing and i can't thank you enough.

however, while these two years have been a great time for growing in my writing, they've also been full of hardships. my mental health worsening, the pandemic, losing important people in my life, falling out with friends, trying to come to terms with my sexuality. that last one has been the hardest. internalized homophobia sucks.

those issues have been taking up more and more of my time. and i've been finding more and more of my solace in writing my own work instead of fanfic. i've recently started writing a dystopian trilogy and it's so much fun. i find more comfort in writing it than i do in percabeth one shots.

bye everyone! love you all


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