Frederick Chase: Part 2

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That night at dinner, I rush through the door. Helen is plating dinner, while Annabeth sets the table, and Bobby and Matthew are playing a video game.

" Guys! I have some wonderful news!"

" Can it wait to dinner?" asks Helen.

" I guess." I hurry upstairs, quickly wash up, and hurry back downstairs. Annabeth is sitting at her spot, dark circles under her eyes, turning her food around her plate.I sit down and the boys start digging into their food.

" I have a meeting in New York for a few days. And I think we're going to take a family trip for a week. Maybe even visit some of your old friends," I say. Bobby and Matthew smile. They had a few friends from when we used to live in New York that they're still in touch with. But Annabeth's face lights up, with more joy than I've seen since she came back. Her hand goes to her camp necklace, fiddling with two charms in particular, a bead with a trident painted on it and a piece of red coral.

" Do we have a place to stay?" she asks. I hear something in her voice I haven't heard ever since she came back from camp, two weeks ago-happiness.

" Not yet. We'll probably stay in a hotel," I say.

" Maybe. But maybe we could stay at Percy's," she says, hope echoing through her voice.

" I don't know," I say.

" Please. Please Dad," she says, I hear hope, desperation, and anger leaking through her voice. Her grey eyes glare at me, as if she'd pulverize me if I said no. As if I said the two letter word- I'd deprive her of oxygen. I glance to Helen.

" I don't know, Annabeth. You two are dating," she says. Annabeth sighs.

" It's more than that. Way more. I never plead and I'm pleading. Please," Annabeth says. Her eyes ablaze like a thunderstorm. The twins look around to everyone at the table. Helen glances at me.

" It's up to your father." Annabeth's gaze falls on me.

" Please," this time the desperation fades, and the anger takes over.

" I guess it's fine. Just no funny business," I say. Annabeth smiles. Her eyes seem to cool to the color of steel. She shoves a few bites of food in her mouth.

" I'm going to IM Percy, and let him know," she says. Then with that she sprints to her room.

" I'm going to go check on something," I say. I follow her to her bedroom where the door is propped open a little. She's sitting in front of an Iris message. The message shows the boy I met years ago, Percy Jackson, but years older and somehow-even more broken.

" Annabeth!" he calls out. He rushes to the message and falls down on his knees next to it.

" Seaweed Brain," smiles Annabeth.

" How are you? Is everything alright?" Annabeth nods in response.

" Did you fall back asleep?" she asks.

" No," Percy admits. Silence fills the room.

Annabeth smiles. " I have some good news. Amazing news actually."

" What is it?" I have to keep myself from laughing because the boy is acting like a child on Christmas.

" My dad has a meeting in New York. And we're going to stay with you, if it's alright with Sally," Annabeth smiles.

" Oh, it's alright with me!" calls a woman's voice. Annabeth and Percy laugh.

" Really?"

" Really." Percy smiles.

" When do you come?"

" A few days. I'll let you know more of the details once I get them," Annabeth smiles.

" A few days," repeats Percy.

" Can you handle it?" she asks.

" I'll have to."

" You can always Iris Message me," Annabeth says.

" And you can always Iris Message me, Wise Girl," Percy smiles.

" I gotta go. I love you," Annabeth says. Percy's eyes seem to crack and his smile falters.

" I love you too. A few days..." The Iris Message disappears. I hurry back to the kitchen. I sit down as if I never had left. Annabeth walks back in.

" Everything's set. I'm going to go rest," she says. She smiles, but it wavers.

" A few days," I hear her mutter as she exits. 

Okay, so I love the Frederick Chase ones so this is probably going to be 3 or 4 parts long. I had a really free day today so I'm going to post another non-Frederick one in a bit! - Av. 

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