Jamie Jones

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This character is credited to @wolvie72 !

Dear Diary, 7-12
Let's get straight to the point, I have a ginormous crush on the one and only Percy Jackson.

Yes, gasp all you want. He is dating Annabeth Chase but, that won't stop me. I want him and one day he will be mine.

Literally, the only reason I am writing in this piece of minotaur shit is because my sister, Piper, gave it to me so I can be less annoying about my crush on him. And she's watching me right now. Well, I am gonna stop now.

Jamie Jones

I close the diary and glare at Piper, who's staring at a mirror with safety scissors in her hand.


"Very." she says, snipping away at her hair. I sigh and turn to Drew who is sitting on her bunk. She smiles at me.

"Guys! Campers! Fall in! They're coming back!"

Piper squeals excitedly. Lacey and Mitchell approach from the back of the cabin.

"What's happening?" I ask.

"Percy told Grover and Jason he was proposing to Annabeth today at the lake after they got back from dinner. It is Beth's 18th birthday after all."

"How do you know this?" Drew asked polishing a nail.

"You know Jason and Grover can't keep secrets. The entire camp, including Chiron and Mr. D know. Clarisse, the Stolls and I even have a little plan." Piper raises an eyebrow laughing.

"Hurry up!" the voice calls again. This time its louder and I can tell who's speaking. Jason Grace. My heart thunders with jealousy.

"Coming, Sparky. Guys!" Piper runs out out of the cabin and we follow.

The entire camp is crowded in the middle and they are filing towards the woods at the edge of the lake. Leo, Jason, Grover, Frank, Hazel, Rachel, the Stolls and Clarisse lead them,

Piper leads us through the mass of campers, before breaking apart to join her friends.

"How you coping Jamie-la?" Drew says, throwing an arm around my shoulder. (Yes that's an Uglies series reference. I just started the second book.)

"My crush is about to propose to his girlfriend. How do you think I feel Drew-la?" Drew smiles sympathetically and hugs me.

We finally get to the end of the woods, and I spot a couple holding hands and walking across the beach. Percy and Annabeth.

Loud shushing noised come from the crowd and then it is completely silent, as we peek through the woods and Percy and Annabeth.

They walked up slowly approaching the infamous place where the underwater kiss had happened.

As soon as the were right next to it, Percy stopped in his tracks. Annabeth looked up at him, and gripped his hand.


"Almost two years ago, the most amazing thing in the world happened to me in this exact spot. You put your arms around my neck and I found something I didn't know I was looking for in the first place. And over these two years, I've learned that without you, I couldn't live and that I would do anything for you." Percy sniffed, and wiped at his eye. He was crying.

"I want to build something permanent with you, Wise Girl. No matter if people say that I'm too young to be doing this."

Percy got down on one knee and in his hand was what appeared to be a gold ball of light, that was the ring. All I could hear was my heart pounding in my chest as Viola Rosenberry  of Iris Cabin nudged past me to get a closer shot with her camera.

"Now this doubles as a deadly weapon, with the same magic as my sword so it will always come back to you. Tyson ma-"

"Percy!" laughed Annabeth, through watering eyes.

"Oh, right. Annabeth Chase, I love you to Chaos and back. So, will you marry me?"

The entire camp held it's breath behind me as Annabeth smiled at Percy.

"Do you even have to ask? Of course, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth sobbed. She wiped at her eyes, as Percy broke out into a smile wider than the Underworld.

He slipped the ring onto her finger, and then Annabeth pulled him down into a kiss.

"Three..." someone behind me started counting down. Annabeth and Percy smiled at each other, laughing.

"Two..." Percy kissed Annabeth's cheek as she studied her ring.

"One!" The camp started bounding forward led by the Stoll's and Clarisse. I followed suit. I may have vowed earlier that day that I would have Percy Jackson, but that doesn't mean I couldn't be happy for him. Right?

"Finally," Clarisse smirked, studying the newly engaged couple. Percy grabbed Annabeth's hand and smiled at the entire camp.

"These lovebirds need to cool off," said Clarisse, walking forward.

Percy laughed and outstretched his arms. Annabeth chuckled and joined him.

"Throw them in! Throw them in!" the chanting started. I found myself joining in.

Campers picked up Percy and Annabeth and tossed them into the water.

And they didn't come back up for a while.

And maybe, I wasn't, totally mad about their engagement like I thought I would.

Woohoo! Who doesn't love a good Percabeth getting engaged one shot? Anyways, this was super fun to right and I almost cried while doing so.


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