Leah Frederick

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My next door neighbors are very strange. Everyday about 11 teenagers leave the house in luxury cars. I believe they are a very rich foster family, due to the house, cars, and many children. They've only lived in the house for a few days, so that's why today, I was going over with some cookies to welcome the new, very large, diverse family. 

Maybe I should tell you about myself. I'm Leah Frederick, age 39. I've been married for 1 year to my amazing husband, Dr. Rupert Frederick. I have black curly hair and light green eyes. I'm a teacher at the elementary school, Newman Primary. 

As soon as my cookies are cooled, I make sure I am acceptably dressed, and head over to the large Greek styled mansion. I knock on the door, a smile on my face. The door opens to a girl about 16. She has short spiky dark black hair, freckles, and electric blue eyes. She's wearing light blue ripped jeans, combat boots, a white T-shirt with a dark moon on it, a black  leather jacket, and silver lightning bolt earring. She also has on a silver circlet on her head. 

"Hi?" she says, crossing her arms. 

" Hello. I'm Mrs. Leah Frederick." I say, making sure my smile doesn't leave my face. Then a notice the pain in her eyes and a few scars on her face. It's obvious why she's in the foster care system. 

"That's nice. Do you want to come in or something?" she says. 

"Of course. Are your parents home?" I step into the large house. A grand staircase is in front of me along with a small nook area. 

" My mother's dead and I have no clue where my father is," the girl says, fingering a silver bracelet on her wrist. 

"I'm sorry. I meant, your foster parents." 

'What the Hades are you talking about?" 

" What's your name, young lady?" I say, sternly. 

" Thalia." 

"Who lives here with you, Miss Thalia?" 

"My friends." I glare lightly at her. 

" Am I going to get to come in further than the front door? Maybe meet these 'friends' of yours." Maybe Thalia thinks of her foster parents as more of friends than parents. 

"Whatever." Thalia walks to the right, through a living room and into a large kitchen. I follow her. 4 teenagers are sitting at a table. Two are working on homework, and the other two are playing some weird card game. 

"Will, Nico , Frank, Hazel, this is Mrs. Frederick. Thinks we're foster kids," Thalia says, taking an apple out of a fruit bowl. The one named Will has shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes and is wearing jeans and an green flannel. Hazel, a young African American girl, and Frank, a Chinese man, are wearing matching purple shirts and Nico is wearing an over sized aviator jacket. 

" I have cookies. Where are your foster parents?" I ask. Hazel sighs in unison with Thalia. 

" Don't have any," Hazel says. I glare at the young girl noticing her cinnamon toast colored hair and strange gold eyes. 

" Do you guys have alive mothers? Or ones that care about you?"  

The boy, Will, nods his head. "My mother lives in the city." 

"Why don't you live with her?" 

" Wanted to live with my friends and boyfriend and she allowed it." 

"Fathers! You must have fathers," I say. 

" Nico and my father lives down below," states Hazel. Hazel and Nico seemed less like siblings than they did kids from Australia. 

" My father lives uptown in the city." Thalia states. 

" Mine does also," Will states. " Or somewhere in the sky," I hear him murmur. Thalia laughs. The boy, Nico, smiles weakly. 

" My dad, is in the Army?" Frank says it more like a question. 

" Your telling me, you guys live here with out parents? I need to alert the police. Does anyone else live here?" I state, getting out my phone. At that moment, I got my answer. A scrawny Latino boy runs in being chased by a Cherokee girl. A boy with blonde hair and Thalia blue eyes, hurries after them. At the same moment, a girl with wet curly blonde hair in a grey one piece, and a perfectly dry boy with messy black hair and sea green in a pair of green swim trunks walk in. 

" LEO! How in the names of the gods of Olympus did you manage to do this?" she screams. She holds up a alarm clock and presses the radio button. 

" THE COW GOES MOOOOOOOO! LEO IS THE BESSSST! BEAUTY QUEEN, DON'T KILL MEEEEEE!" she slams the button again. The girl glares at Leo. 

" You put Gaea to sleep with your voice and you question me? Beauty Queen, I've done more difficult. Like those flash bombs in Bologna, ( I think that's it), fixing Festus, and the Argo II, you gotta give me the-" 

" Uh, Leo, we have company," says the boy behind the girl. He grabs the girl's hand. 

" Who are you people?" I ask. Hazel snaps her fingers.  I blink. 

" Leo, I hate doing that." she groans. Leo shrugs. 

" I don't remember what just happened but where are your parents?" I ask. The boy in the swim trunks walks up to me and offers a hand to shake. I refuse. 

" I'm Percy Jackson. and this is my girlfriend, Annabeth Chase." 

" Hello," Annabeth says. She glares at Percy. 

" Anyways, my friends and I, everyone in this room and my other friend Reyna, have permission from our parents to live here," he says.  I look him in the eye. 

" I'm going to call the police, young man. Do you really want to have to fight me? I'm way older than year and was in the Marines." I snap. I start dialing. I hit 9 and my  phone flies across the room. I look around in shock. 

" JASON! Now I have to do it again!" smirks Hazel. 

" Yes, please. And more effective this time." laughs Nico. Annabeth laughs. She walks up to Percy. He kisses her cheek.  Hazel snaps her fingers a few times. I smile at my new neighbors. 

" Good-bye, normal family." I turn and head back to my house. 

Soooooo... this is awful. I worked on it at like 11 last night and forgot to post so yeah. Signed, Av

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