Aydah Mais

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This chapter's character  goes to Livi_Piggi ! Thank you so much!

The day I met Percabeth was a crazy one. I have wavy red hair and blue eyes. I'm a big fashionista but not one of those bitches that thinks that short-shorts are 'fashion.' The day I met Percabeth was also the day Goode High won the final swim meet of the season.

"Hey guys!" I smile, sitting down at the lunch table. My boyfriend, Hunter, kisses my cheek lightly. We've been dating for 7 months now, the best 7 months of my life. We've known each other since 8th grade though. Hunter has short cut brown hair and amazing green eyes. Also sitting at my table are my ex-girlfriend (we're still amazing friends), Gabriela Montez,  and Percy Jackson. Gabriela has dark brown hair and almond colored eyes. Percy has black hair and sea-green eyes. 

"What even is that?" Gabriela says, scrunching her nose, pointing to my pasta. I poke at the noodles with my spork. 

"Plastic," I decide. Percy chuckles.

"Hey, are you guys coming to the swim meet ?" he asks. 

"Wouldn't miss it. My mom's working late again so I have to bring my sister,"  I state. Hunter, grabs my hand lightly. My dad died right after my younger sister, Alyssa, was born, 5 years ago. My mother is now working two jobs and taking night school classes. 

" Great! My camp friends are also coming  in for the meet!" Percy smiles, a giant grin on his face.

"Including Annabeth?" asks Hunter. Hunter is the only one in our group to have met Percy's mysterious girlfriend, Annabeth Chase. According to him," She's an intelligent icon and badass beauty." No clue what to take from that but okay.

"Give us the lowdown. Who's coming?" Gabriela says, popping open a bag of chips.

"Annabeth,Thalia,Jason, and Piper." lists Percy.

"You do know we don't know anyone you just mentioned right?" I point out, shoving my plastic noodles away from me.

"Thalia's, Annabeth's best friend, call her Pinecone Face, watch her explode. Jason was on the-the cruise this summer with me and Annabeth, and Piper's his girlfriend who was also on the cruise." Percy answers

"Wait you went on a cruise this summer? Dude, to where?" says Hunter.

"It wasn't like a vacation cruise. We stopped at Greece and Rome though," Percy says, staring at his food. I glance at Hunter as the bell rings.

———————Later at the swim meet———————

"Hey Hunter!" I smile, climbing into his Jeep. Alyssa swings the door open and starts playing on her tablet,

"Why can't I stay home alone?" she asks.

"When you're old enough, Lyssa." I announce.

"You look nice for a swim meet!" Hunter laughs. I'm wearing a black denim skirt, flowy blue blouse, and combat boots. I stick my tongue out at him.

"School colors!" I declare. Hunter laughs.

He starts driving towards the building. When we get there we find Gabriela and a spot where we can easily see Percy and have Wi-Fi for Alyssa. Alyssa sits down on the top of the bleachers, fixes her brown-red hair in a ponytail, and starts playing a random game.

We sit there for a while and chat a little until a group of 4 teenagers walk into the bench in front of us.

"Annabeth?" Hunter asks. The teenagers stop in their tracks and turn around. One girl has short black hair, electric blue eyes, and a silver tiara. She touches a bracelet with her fingers. A guy is standing next to her with blond hair, electric blue eyes and glasses.He is holding hands with Cherokee girl with choppy chocolate brown hair. Another girl has her curly blonde hair thrown into a ponytail, and her grey eyes flash towards me and land on Hunter. I notice she's wearing a GOODE SWIM sweatshirt with JACKSON on the back. 

"Hunter?" she asks. Her friends relax. Hunter nods. 

"Aydah, this is Annabeth Percy's girlfriend. Annabeth this is my girlfriend, Aydah, and our other friend Gabriela," I smile at the girl politely. She glances at me, Hunter, and then Gabriela. 

"Pleased to meet you." she says, folding her arms. " This is Jason Grace, holding his hand is his girlfriend, Piper, and this is Jason's sister Thalia." Annabeth introduces. Gabriela mutters something under her breath and smiles politely at the group. The group sits down in front of us. 

Annabeth chats with us for a little along with her friends and then has a quick conversation with the other three in what seemed like a combination of Greek and Latin phrases. 

Just then the whistle blew and the swimmer's lined up. Alyssa's bench had been stolen by a family so she came and sat by us. Percy was swimming last, against the captain of the other team. ( never been to a swim meet so idk how it works) It's supposed to be the biggest race the entire meet. 

Then Percy is up against Robert from the other team. According to how the races went, whichever guy wins, his team wins.

"GO PERCY!" I scream and cheer with Gabriela and Hunter. 

"GET A MOVE ON, ARIEL!" shouts Thalia.

"GO WATER BOY!" cheers Jason and Piper. 

"YOU GOT THIS, SEAWEED BRAIN!" shouts Annabeth. The whistle blows and Percy launches into the pool doing a 200 IM (right?) He breezed past Robert quickly and seemed to slow down a little before hitting the wall,  8 seconds before Robert . Our side erupted in cheers as Percy came out of the pool! Annabeth hurries down the bleachers and tackles her soaking  boyfriend with a giant hug from behind him. Percy laughs and turns around to give her a kiss. I look over at my sister who is boredly clapping her hands. I nudge her and smile. She smiles back. People start milling about. Hunter claps energetically next to me. Percy's teammates raise the trophy in victory, and laugh at Percy as his girlfriend lectures him about something. 

Thalia, Piper and Jason stand up to congratulate Percy, who's still in the clutches of Annabeth. Gabriela stands up. 

"I'm going to go congratulate Percy. You coming?" I look over at Hunter. 

"We'll be there in a second? Why don't you take Alyssa?" I say. I glance at Hunter for approval. He nods, though  seeming very confused. Alyssa walks over to Gabriela and they hurry over to Percy's side. 

"Hey. Is everything good?" I surge forward and kiss him. He kisses me back with love and happiness. I pull away from him. I turn to Percy and Annabeth laughing and hugging and kissing. Seeing them together has given me confidence. I need to tell Hunter how a I truly feel. 

"I love you," I say. Hunter looks at me blankly. I almost want to punch myself until he grabs my hand. 

"I love you too." 

And that's the story of how I met Percabeth. It's also the story of how I said 'I love you" to my boyfriend. In a hot pool area right after our best friend's swim meet. 

So yeah. I hope you like I did with Aydah Livi_Piggi 


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