Nancy Bobofit

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I sigh as I organize the items on the shelf. I'm 19 years old and work here at Target to afford my apartment while I'm at college. My red vest clashes with my red hair that's pulled away from my face. And since it's summer, its extremely frizzy. I'm wearing a full face of makeup hiding my orange freckles because you never know who you could meet on the job.

My horrible day picks up when four guys walk into the store. One has blonde hair, electric blue eyes and glasses. Another is Chinese and very muscular. Another is a scrawny Latino guy. The 4th guy is the one who catches my attention. He has sea-green eyes and messy black hair. He looks sort of familiar but I shake it off. They all appear to be 18 or 19 years old. They grab a cart and head into the store.

I decide to follow them. I mean, they're all really hot. They don't seem to be searching for anything specific and just wander around without purpose.

"Percy, what are we doing here again?" says blond hottie. Percy? Why does that name seem familiar?

"I actually have no clue," answers the guy named Percy, putting random items in the cart.

"Yea, I mean,dude! You get married tomorrow,Percy! We should be... we should be... Frank? What should we be doing?" sighs the Latino elf.

"I mean, lets see four underage demi- I mean dudes all in serious relationships? Meet Nico and Will at a Mcdonalds?" Frank, the Chinese guy answers. Percy looks over his shoulder. I turn to a display and pretend to organize it.

"Nice save," he mutters. They walk forward a few steps. I silently follow them.

"The employee looks like Nancy Bobofit." Percy says. Then it hits me. This guy is Percy Jackson! That wimpy freak is now an engaged hottie! The guys turn a corner. I follow. I know, I know. Frank said that they all were in serious relationships and I bullied one of them but I could still steal them away right?

"Who?" asks Frank. Percy sighs.

"My old middle school bully. Forgot Grover had to stay at camp with Juniper."

He's still friends with that ugly guy Grover?!

" Okay. Guys, we look like losers." states the blond hottie.

" Excuse me? Leo Valdez, never looks like a loser!"

"How about the countless times you managed to burn your clothes off?" asks blond hottie.

"No comment," replies Leo. Percy and Frank laugh.

" Guys, I'm hungry. Maybe we should meet Nico and Will at Mcdonalds." states the blond guy, as they turn into the office supply section.

"But Jason! We're closer to food now!" announces Leo, grabbing a stapler off the shelf. Frank and Percy laugh along with Leo.

"Haha. What was it those dwarves called you in Bologna? Oh right. Blue bottom..." smirks Jason.

"HEY!" shouts Leo. All the guys start laughing. If I had met Leo at school, I'd probably be one to bully him.

"Can Nancy come to the manager's office?" a voice announce over the speaker. I silently back out of the aisle and head into the manager's office. 

Brought to you by Kronos, I present  to you...  6 years later

I sit with my boyfriend of  1 year, Matt Sloan, (I HAVE PLANS *EVIL LAUGHTER*) at Central Park by the fountain. 

"Nancy, did you bring the extra water bottle?" 

" I would've remembered if my new neighbor hadn't come over and you busied yourself staring at her, dumbass!" I yell. 

" If you spent more time with me, maybe I wouldn't stare at other girls, idiot!" he screams. We're the epitome of a perfect couple. We argue a little bit more when all of a sudden, water flings itself at us and we're soaked. We hurriedly get to our feet, I start wringing out my hair while Matt runs around trying to find who soaked us. No one is even near us except for a young family in the corner. A little boy around 3 years old, a heavily pregnant blonde woman and a black haired man. The little boy has hair like the woman's and sea-green eyes and is facing us, laughing. 

"Daddy! They're wet! I made them wet!" he laughs. The man turns to the boy. He has black hair and sea green eyes. It can't be... The man looks exactly like Percy Jackson from 6th grade and from when I worked at Target. I work at a restaurant now. A really big upgrade if I do say myself. He pales slightly when he sees us angrily drying off.

"Oh, I'm gonna kill that kid!" shouts Matt. I nod appreciatively. I turn around and wring out my hair some more along with my purse. Two minutes later, Matt comes back half crawling and with a black eye. 

"Jackson... girl.. punched me.. even though pregnant... can still punch...." he groans before passing out at my feet. I stare at him in shock for a minute. I turn to where the family was but they're nowhere to be found. I sigh and pick Matt up, I start carrying him home. 

Would you be surprised if I said this wasn't the first time I had to carry him home?

Ok so I couldn't decide what Nancy Bobofit one I wanted to do so I did both. my next one will be Matt's point of view. I have some ideas...


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