First Day

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"Wake up Skye! Wake up! Wake up!" I heard Lexi as she kept shaking me to get up. I groaned. "Ugh go away!" I said and stuffed my face into my pillow.
"No! Because today is your first day at Hollywood Arts High! Cmon!" She said. I finally gave in and got up to get ready. Dad smiled at me while he sipped on his coffee. "You look beautiful sweetie." He said. I giggled. "Thanks dad." I said. He took his keys and turned on the car. I ruffled my hair as me and Lexi got in the car. "You're going to love it!" Lexi squealed. "Apparently everybody tells me that." I said eyeballing Dad. He smirked. I laughed. "Seriously you will! You'll see!" She said. Dad drove to the left where I saw teenage kids talking and going inside and out of the school called Hollywood Arts High. "Ok. Have a good day guys!" Dad said winking at Lexi and hugging me. I smiled as we got off the car and he drove off. I huffed and brushed myself off. Lexi squealed and grabbed my hand to race me inside. I slowly looked at the view of it. Everyone was walking back and forth. The lockers were decorated creatively with music notes, and more stickers. The walls were graffiti painted. There was a small staircase where kids can walk to or from class. It was so cool. I smiled a bit. I looked at Lexi who smiled brightly. "Welcome to Hollywood Arts High! The place where you can showcase your talents and become an entertainer for people!" She said. An entertainer? Wow. Suddenly I heard some music. I started to follow it all the way to a classroom where kids were sitting while hearing the performer. A dark haired girl that sung. Lexi chuckled. "That's Selena. Gomez. She moved here from Texas. She's a singer but she loves acting too. She was the main lead in the school play as Belle from Beauty and the Beast." She said. When she finished singing, everybody in the classroom applauded. She smiled and went back to her seat. Lexi put a thumbs up at her and she laughed quietly. Now that I thought of it, I'm really gonna like it here. Lexi pulled me to a line of people signing stuff. "To attend here you gotta sign up for which class. There's acting, dancing, singing, photography and technology and modeling. I picked acting and modeling, photography." She said and twirled around in happiness. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. Its always been Lexi's dreams to be an actress and model. That explains her obsession with cameras. I looked at the girl and guy that was helping people sign the papers. Lexi noticed it. "That's William and Demi. William's what I say the A student in acting class and karate. Demi's like a daredevil and is in singing and acting class." She told me. I looked at Demi and she awkwardly waved at me. Its obvious she doesn't know me. When I was next in line, they looked at me. "Hi what's your name?" Demi asked. "Skye Brooke." I said and she wrote it. "That's a cool name. Well the SKY is nice today." William joked. Me and him laughed. Demi rolled her eyes. "Ok comedian write down what classes she wanna take." She said. I giggled. She waved at Lexi and she gave me a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes. "I wanna sign up for...singing, dancing and acting." I said. He wrote down what I wanted and Demi handed me my schedule paper. I thanked her and almost left but she stopped me. "Lexi is this your cousin?" She asked her. She nodded. William and her smiled at me. "Oh yeah Skye. Hey I'm William and this is Demi. Maybe we can catch up with you later on along with Selena. She's in acting and singing so you have two classes with her." He said. I nodded. "Oh! Sure! Yes." I said. The bell ringed for first period. "Ok first. You got acting. That's us and Selena-"And me!" Lexi cut her off. I laughed and gripped my bag as we head off to acting class.

I talked with William and Demi as we walked in the classroom. They're really awesome. I sat next to Demi and William was next to Lexi. Selena came in. She sat between me and Demi. She looked at me. "Hi. I think I seen you watch me sing in class." She said. I nodded. "Yes I'm Skye. Skye Brooke. If you know Lexi then you'll probably know I'm her cousin." I said. She laughed a bit with Demi. "Oh we know what a handful she can be." She said chuckling. Finally I have girls who agreed with me. "Where you from?" She asked. I was about to speak till Demi spoke. "Ok let's get to know her at lunch. Right now she's just Skye and she has singing, dancing, and acting classes." She said. "Great! We got two of them together." She said. I smiled a little.
The teacher walked in and everybody quickly went to their seats. "Hi class I'm Ms. Oh and I am your vocal teacher. I'm talking to all you new kids who arrived. When I pick you, introduce yourself." She said. After 3 people, she pointed directly at me. "What's your name?" She asked. I looked at everyone including Lexi. She smiled brightly. I rolled my eyes. "Hi. I'm Skye Brooke." I said. "Nice to meet you Skye! Welcome to Hollywood Arts High." She said, nicely. I fake smiled. "Now that we all introduced each other let's begin. Ok for ones that was here last week your assignment was to create a song- "Sorry I'm late!" A guy said while out of breath. Ms. Oh looked at him sternly. "Mr. Calloway, I don't like tardiness. Go and take your seat." She said. He nodded and sat next to William and gave him dap. "That's Hakeem." Selena whispered to me. Ms. Oh turned her attention back to the class. "As I was saying to create a song about what you feel. Like for Love, when you see a girl or guy they're different to you. You would want to be with him or her." She said. I heard William chuckle. "Technically a love song." He said. Ms. Oh giggled. "Yes technically a love song." She said and the whole class laughed a little. "Who would like to sing first?" She asked. I looked away shyly. I saw Lexi raise her hand. She better not say me. I didn't even wrote a new love song. I don't even like someone. Lexi stood up from her seat. "This girl would love to sing!" She said pointing at me. I growled at her. "Really? Skye I know you're new here so right now you're free to sing any love song. Don't be shy!" She said. I sighed and got up from my seat. My attention was on the class including Demi and Selena. Maybe a love song from a YouTube artist. "I wanna sing my favorite love song from a certain YouTube artist." I told Ms. Oh. She smiled. "Cool! It's also what a professional artist is to start out singing covers. Go ahead Skye. Whenever you're ready." She said. I took a deep breath and stood in front of the mic. I took another deep breath and thought of how the song goes. I began to belt it out.

After I finished, everybody applauded. They looked so in shock even Selena and Demi. Ms. Oh applaud slowly. I can tell she was impressed. "That was so...pure and beautiful. Good job Skye." She said with her eyes almost watery. I want to chuckle that on my first day I made my homeroom teacher cry about a song. Selena and Demi already did that for me. I giggled and got up and went back to my seat. "That was amazing!" Selena whispered to me. I chuckled. "Thanks!" I said. Demi smirked at me. "You're definitely a born star." She said. That had me in deep feels. A born star.

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