Hurricane Storm Part 2

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Through the afternoon, we looked for Justin and asked so many people near if they seen him. Nobody saw him. We searched every building, every store. Everywhere. It doesn't matter. I'll find Justin and this hurricane won't stop me. We ran passed a lot in the town and still no sign of Justin. I stopped running and coughed. Lexi looked at me. "You good?" She said. I nodded. "Too much running. Let's start walking." I said. We started walking to search another place for Justin. The others kept asking anyone if they seen him. Sadly, they haven't. Selena sighed. "Skye? Are we gonna find him? What if we won't?" She asked. That's not true, we still find him. I will find him. I held her hand. "Sel we're gonna find him. Just have faith." I told her. She smiled sadly and hugged me. We caught up with the gang as we went through town. My phone vibrated. It was my Dad. I answered. "Hey dad." I said. "Hi have you found him?" He said. I nodded my head no. "Not yet but trust me we will!" I said. "No! You all need to come back home! That hurricane is coming quick!" He said. I don't care! I'm gonna find Justin. "I don't care dad! Justin's my boyfriend and I will find him! I love him so much!" I told him. It still didn't concern him. "You know all these boys come and go before you meet a man." He said. I growled angrily. "Bet that's how Mom felt before she met you!" I growled angrily. I quickly hung up. Tears started to form in my eyes. How could he say that? I care about Justin so much and I know he does the same. I shed one tear. I looked up to see the gang looking at me worriedly. I sniffled and ran past them. Lexi came after me.

Right now, all I want is to find Justin.


It's been 45 minutes and no luck finding Justin. People came in their houses and locked their doors. Lexi sighed. "We need to seek shelter." She said. I nodded. "Don't worry, we will." I said. She nodded in disagreement. "No, now." She said in a serious tone. "I'm not giving up. I'm going to get Justin back." I said. I started to walk away but she gripped my arm. "That's not safe and you know it. You can't be out in this cold by yourself. If you are, you'll get hurt." She said. I got off her grasp. "I love him, Lexi. He's my boyfriend. I promised his mom I'll find him. If I get hurt, I'll get better and keep going." I said. William looked at me like if I was crazy. "Skye did you hear what they said? The hurricane might be deadly! You'll probably won't make it till you find him!" He said. I huffed. I can't take this anymore. "I had somebody that loved me. Then I lost her! I watched her die in front of me! Maybe you hadn't noticed but I was the only one who showed up at her grave! I was the one that cared for her as much as my Dad did! I learned when I was 11 that sometimes you gotta do unsafe things for the ones you love. Well imma go find Justin while this hurricane's coming and nothing's gonna stop me!" I growled angrily. All their jaws dropped shockingly. "Sorry." I said, slipping out of Lexi's grasp. I started walking alone. She started crying. Hakeem held her for comfort. "I know that I lost you too..." She cried.

I've been walking for a long while. Lexi and the others are nowhere to be seen. The streets were empty, obviously cause people locked themselves in their homes. The wind kept blowing hard. I knew the hurricane was coming close. But again, I'm not giving up. I'm going to get the one I love back. Instead of walking, I tried to run a little faster. I already looked through more shelters. No Justin. I was on the sidewalk. I saw a market near by. Some boy laid on the brick wall and looked hurt. Wait! He looks familiar. I tried to look closer.'s Justin! I found him! I really did! I quickly ran up to him. "Justin!" I called. He looked up at me and coughed. "Skye?" He said. I hugged him. "I've been looking everywhere for you!" I said. He smiled sadly. "That don't matter right now." He said. I looked at him confusedly. "What do you mean?" I asked. Then I saw his bleeding arm cut. Oh lord! What happened?! "What happened?!" I asked frantically. He looked away. "It doesn't matter." He said. I looked at him almost with tears. "Justin it does matter!" I said. Raindrops started falling and the wind blew little harder. "I love you Skye..." Justin trailed off. His eyes started to close. I panicked. "No no! Justin don't! Please!" I cried. Then I saw Lexi and William running to us. I was in shock. "Lexi?! William?!" I screamed. "We need to get inside the house now!" She yelled. William put Justin over his back and Lexi held my hand tightly as we ran back home.


We was back in the house. I was in my bedroom with Justin and Lexi. He was still unconscious. The harsh storm shook the house. "Hold on!" She said. We both held on to the bedside. The shaking stopped. Lexi looked out the window. "We're fine. No damage done." She said. I started crying. She hugged me. "Don't be sad. Things are going to be ok." She said. I smiled sadly. "I know. These disasters happen." I said. Justin slowly opened his eyes. I smiled. "Justin?!" I said. He nodded. I kissed his lips and hugged him. "I thought I lost you!" I said. He nodded in disagreement. "You'll never lose me." He said. Then I looked at the bleeding cut on his arm. "What happened to your arm?" I asked. He sighed. "The wind blew hard and I got beat with a shovel. I struggled to get up." He told me. Me and Lexi gasped. I pulled his shirt off and there was a wound on his stomach. My jaw dropped. Why this happened to me? I could've lost him like I lost my mother. He looked at me. "Why did you look for me?" He asked. I looked at him. "Cause I love you. You told me you'll protect me whether it's life or death. I would do the same too and I just did. I promised your mom I would find you. I just couldn't give up and lose you like I lost my mom. It took me 3 years to get over what happened to her." I told him. He smiled and held my hand. "Skye you're never going to lose me like you lost her. You may have lost her. But you never lost me, the gang or Lexi. I'll always be here when you need me. You're my first love." He said. I smiled. "I love you Justin." I said. "I love you too Skye." He said. We kissed passionately.

A while later, Justin's family came to see him. I walked back in my bedroom with a warm watered cloth for his wound. He had stitches for the cut on his arm. I gently rubbed it on his stomach. He winced at the pain. I giggled. "Hold still and it won't hurt." I told him. He groaned in pain. "It's kinda hard to do that when you're agonizing in pain." He said. Luckily, he didn't wince the second time I rubbed the cloth and bandaged his wound. He then smiled. I chuckled. "What?" I said. He caressed my hair. "Why are you so beautiful?" He said. I giggled and kissed his cheek. "My mom would've really liked you." I said. I looked at him. "Why you left in the first place?" I asked. "Your dad told me to get something from the market for the house." He told me. My jaw dropped. How could he tell him to leave the house when there's a hurricane?! Weird. I looked at him. "He told me to come home though you was still missing. How could he make you go when there's a hurricane?" I said. He was confused. "Why did he do that?" He said. "I don't know. But it doesn't make a difference now. I'm happy you're ok and so is the gang." I said. I laid my head on his chest and felt his heart beat. He rubbed my hair. "Maybe we can play a game." I said. He bit his lip and locked my bedroom door. I smirked. I might be a while...

Next morning, I slept with Justin's arm around me. I yawned and got up but he pulled me. "Please." He said sleepily. I giggled. "Babe we gotta get to school. The gang are probably already there." I said. Good thing, Dad left earlier before he could see Justin in my bedroom. He got up from the bed. "Cool. Cause I have a surprise for you." He said. I smiled instantly. What surprise?! "Omg! Tell me!" I begged. He chuckled. "You'll know once we get there." He said. I cheered and hugged him. He smiled and kissed me. I melted in the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. Then we got ready for school. In class today, some people were finishing up the last assignment Ms. Oh gave us. Justin came up in front of the whole class. "Hey guys." He said in the mic. I blushed. Is this really happening? Is this the surprise?! The whole class was looking at him. Including Selena and Demi. "I wrote this song. It's about the one I love. She had a hard time after losing somebody she really cared about. So imma let her know I'm always with her." He said. My jaw dropped. I covered my mouth to giggle. Selena and Demi looked at us in awe. William and Hakeem smirked at me. He began to sing the song.

Everybody applauded. "Yeah that's my boy!" William shouted. Half of the class laughed. Miley winked at me. I laughed. I got up and hugged Justin. "I'll never leave you and I mean it." He whispered in my ear. I smiled widely and kissed him. Of course we blushed embarrassingly at the class watching. I'm happy I'll never lose the ones I love. And that's Justin and my best friends.

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