Growing Fanbase

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It was now Friday. We partied all night. We drank soda, candy and had ordered 6 packets of pizza. I was really tired from everything. I quietly rolled out of bed. Justin was still sleep. Yep, we done it last night. We still had our clothes on...sorta. He grabbed my hand. "Please." He said half asleep. "It's 8am. We gotta get up." I said. He nodded and got out of bed. I did my morning routine and went to my studio. He sat on a chair and picked up a guitar. I smiled. "It's cute when you play the guitar." I said. He smiled. "Thanks. I'm happy we got up before Hakeem could invade our privacy." He said. I looked at him. "Privacy?" I said. He smirked and locked the door. I bit my lip as he kissed my neck softly. I wrapped my arms around him. We kissed passionately. I opened my mouth and he explored more. I kissed his cheek. "Let's do deeper." He whispered. I nodded and took off my shirt. I had nothing but a bra on. He kissed my lips. He laid me against the wall and kissed my neck softly. I moaned quietly. "We should do this every morning." I whispered. "I know." He said. Someone knocked on the door. We jumped. "Skye? Justin? You in there?" Lexi said. I put my shirt back on. Justin opened the door. We smiled nervously. "Hey, Lex!" I said. She smiled. "Hey! Guess what?! Lots of people are following you guys!" She said. I looked at her. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I mean our fanbases! For example, I have 10,000 followers on Twitter!" She said, showing us her phone. Our jaws dropped. She's right. That's so cool! "Congrats Lexi! Keep up the good work!" Justin said. "You should see yours! For Justin, he has 40million followers on Twitter." She said. I looked at him in shock. "Whoa." I said. "Did you name your fans?" Lexi asked. He nodded. "Yup Beliebers." He said. "I kind of call mine's Skylenators." I told her. She smiled. "That's a good fan name." She said. I chuckled. "Thanks." I said. "Cmon! The others have theirs rising too!" She said, pulling us out of the room.

We hung out in the kitchen. We looked at each other's fanbases. Selena's got 20million followers, Demi's got more followers than ever. Hakeem has 30million followers. William's at 19million. Miley's at 30 as well. I didn't look at my fanbase. It doesn't matter who gets most followers. I got followers cause my Skylenators believed in me and look up to me. And I love them for that. Lexi looked at me. "Skye, did you check yours?" She asked. I nodded my head no. "It doesn't matter who follows me. My Skylenators believed in me and look up to me. That's what matters." I said. She looked at me in awe. "True! But it wouldn't hurt to just look." She said. I sighed. Guess she's right. I took out my phone and checked my Twitter. My jaw dropped. I instantly screamed happily. Everybody looked at me. "What?" Kylie said. I showed them my phone. I have 50million followers!!! "50million followers?!" Lexi yelled. "That's insane!" William said. "Oh my god!" Justin said. Hakeem smiled. "You blowing up girl!" He said. I laughed. "You're right. Lots of Skylenators believe in you." Demi said. Lexi nodded in agreement. "Yup and I think you should do something to thank them." She said. My brain clicked. I smirked. "I may have an idea." I said.


We was back in my studio. I was in the recording booth. Lexi had her camera out, ready to start filming me. The others were in the rooms. Probably tweeting their fans. I written a new song and it's for my fans. I love them. And imma show much I do.
Lexi was on Xstream tv live. When the camera's on, everything goes live and people will see. "Ready?" She said. I nodded. "3...2...1 go!" She said. The camera started recording and I was now live online. I smiled. "Hey guys, this is Skye B here! First thank you so much for tuning in right now. This is important to me. I haven't checked my Twitter account for a long while. And when I did, I saw 50million Skylenators who followed me. This is insane, I love you guys so much. Thank you so much for supporting me and believing in me. Since I got here, everything clicked for me. You guys, school and especially my friends and music. I've had this dream since 5 years old. And from then on, you guys never gave up on me. You kept on believing. Well I believe in you. Don't let anyone say you can't be this or that. You can be anything you wanna be. Just believe in yourself and go after what you're passionate about. If you do, anything's possible." I said. I closed my eyes and hung onto my mic stand. Then the song started.

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