Bloody Mary's Haunted House

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Nighttime struck and the gang stayed over for another sleepover. Hakeem and William ordered pizza for dinner. I smiled. I love pizza. Pizza is for the people! I smiled as I ate my third slice. I went easy cause I'm staying fit for gymnastics and dance. I started thinking about my first song written. I should definitely record it. I looked at Lexi. She was sitting on the couch, looking at her phone. I looked at her. "Lex, what are you looking at on your phone?" I asked. She smiled. "I'm not reading anything. Just finding the address to a house." She said. Address? To where? "To what house?" I said. "An abandoned house." She said. Ok, this is a little weird. Abandoned house? Why she wants to find that? "Lexi, why are you getting an address to an abandoned home?" I asked. She smirked. "I'm glad you asked. I been studying and studying a supernatural phantom. The most of all urban legends. And if I find this house, I'll unlock proof she's real." She said. I rolled my eyes. I think I've had it with supernatural stuff. The only thing Lexi could study is sizes on a dress. "Who is she?" I asked. She went on her phone and showed me a picture. I jumped at the sight of it. A freaky photo of a woman with blood all over her body. Including blank eyes that could make you scream. "Bloody Mary." She said. I looked at her. "You're trying to prove Bloody Mary's real?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. I looked at her in seriousness for a second.  I bursted into laughter. I kept on laughing. She huffed and rolled her eyes. "Cmon! Bloody Mary probably died when the Egyptians had a king or queen!" I laughed. She nodded in disagreement. "No! She existed after that ended! When it became just regular people, she walked on this very ground!" She said. I laughed again. That's got to be the most ridiculous opinion ever. "Cmon Skye, if Princess Celestia's real then Bloody Mary probably is too." She said. I thought about it for a minute. It might be true. All supernatural stuff cannot be real just cause of Celestia. I looked at her doubtfully. She huffed. "If you don't believe me...then I'll make a bet!" She said. I smirked deviously. I've always did bets with Lexi and always won. "Go ahead Lex. We both know who'll win the bet." I said. She laughed hysterically. "This ain't any bet. I bet you I can prove to you Bloody Mary exist. We'll go to the abandoned house and see if you're right." She said. I smiled widely. It's so on! "Ok! If I'm right, you have to help me with Hakeem and Justin. Since Justin embarrassed him, there will be lots of fights and name callings." I said. She nodded. "I heard you told Justin you kissed him so I know that was a mean prank on Hakeem." She said. I chuckled. Yup, and it was good. She smirked. "But if I'm right, you have to be my manikin to try out my designed outfits. I'm making my own clothing line. I just have to get my favorite store Forever21 to work with me." She said. My jaw dropped. That's actually pretty cool. I smiled. "That's great Lex! You'll do awesome!" I said. She smiled. "Thanks Skye. It's a bet?" She said. I smirked and shook her hand. "It's a bet." I said. She cheered. "Yes! I won't lose to you again this time!" She said, running upstairs. I smirked deviously. Only time will tell.

A while later, we had the gang come with us to the abandoned house. We rode in the Jeep again. Justin laughed hysterically. "So she thinks Bloody Mary's real?" He said. I laughed and nodded.
Hakeem scoffed. "Not to agree with Justin. That's the stupidest idea yet." He said. The girls low-key chuckled. Lexi rolled her eyes. "Can I just explain what we'll do at the house?" She asked. I nodded. "Ok, there's a way to bring her. It explains why I got two candlelights." She said. I sighed. I'm so gonna win this bet. Lexi has no proof at all she's real. So, I'm winning through this whole thing. William parked beside the sidewalk. Lexi cheered. "This is the place!" She said. "And how do you know?" Demi asked. She smirked. "I searched for the address." She said. Miley rolled her eyes. "Let's get this over with. I'm tired of these scary things coming to life and we run." She said. I nodded in agreement. "Yup. We know there's no proof." I whispered in her ear. We got out the car and went inside. This place is definitely a bit creepy. There's plastic on the couch, cob webs on the windows and dust on the kitchen counter. Have these people heard of spring cleaning? I sneezed softly. Hakeem smirked. "You sneezed like a cute kitten." He said. I madly blushed. "This place is so old." Kylie said. William nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I bet no one has ever lived here in years." He said. Lexi chuckled. "Cmon, let's check out upstairs." She said. We walked upstairs. "If you want a tour, let's look separately." Lexi said. I nodded. Justin smiled at me. "I'll go with you." He said. Hakeem pushed him aside. "I'll go with you." He said. Justin growled and pushed him back. Selena rolled her eyes. "Enough! I'll go with Skye." She said. I smiled. Everyone went to different rooms. Me and Selena walked in the bedroom. The bed had some dust, the walls aren't painted, pieces of jewelry was on the dresser. "A girl must've lived here." Selena said. I nodded. "Just be happy it's not Mari's jewelry." I said. There was a photo frame of the girl. I took it and studied the frame. "That photo is so old. Like a very long time ago." She said. I nodded in agreement. The bedroom mirror is shattered. I put the frame back on the dresser. I turned around and my eyes widened. A doll was sitting on a rocking chair. Selena smiled a bit. "She had a doll. How cute!" She said. That doll is not cute at all. She had piercing eyes that would stare deep in your soul. Her hair was brunette and long. She wore a pink fluffy-sleeved dress. Her smile was the creepiest. "If I were you, I would stay away from it." I said. She rolled her eyes. "I thought you don't believe Lexi about this." She said. I sighed. "I don't but that doll is super creepy. Even her smile is the creepiest." I told her. She studied her plastered-smile. She backed away a bit. "Yup that's creepy. Let's leave this room." She said. We walked out of the room. I looked back at the doll. This room and the doll is very creepy.

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